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(missing ot7 rn)

In a blink of an eye, Jeno and Jaemin have already been 'dating' for a month. I say 'dating' because neither of them have ever brought up whether theyre a couple or not.
They both were way too nervous.

But that was about to change. Jaemin had been planning to confess to Jeno for a long time, he wanted to make it very special because to him, his Nono deserves the best.

" omg this is gonna be so cool! Jeno would accept your feelings right away when he sees this!" Chenle squealed.

" calm down, we still have to prepare the whole thing" Mark said.

" i agree with Lele, this is the greatest plan we have came up! Einstein who?" Haechan said, extremely excited.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Jaemin sighed.

" are yall really gonna help me or what?"

" youre the one who fucked Jeno but still said that you two aint dating. It doesnt make sense, so shut yo ass up before we ditch you" Jisung snapped, he was obviuosly annoyed as he didnt want to help at all.

" JISUNG LANUAGE" Chenle yelled in his high-pitched voice.


" ok ok, stop fighting. Yea i know im dumb as fuck, but please help. I really want make it special for Jeno"

" fine ill help, but only because im such a great friend" Jisung replied, rolling his eyes.

" thank you Jisungie~, come here lemme give a kiss!" Jaemin said as he pouted his lips.

" ewww, wtf get away from!"

" hey yalls, lets hurry and start" Chenle voice laced with jealously.

Mark and Haechan just stood there and watched them, laughing at their stupidity.

The friends split up to get the materials individually. Mark went to get decorations. Haechan went to get the food. Chenle helped cook the food Haechan bought. Jisung went to get the flowers and Jaemin went to get the most important part of the plan.

They all help set up the place and calm Jaemins panicking ass.

" bro calm down, Jeno likes you too ya know" Mark said calmingly while putting a hand on his back.

" dont bRO ME" Jaemin struggled to say anything through his heavy breathing.

" Jaemin youre gonna be fine, come here!" Haechan said as he gave the latter a big hug. He was known for giving warm hugs.

" yea, Mark and Haechan hyung is right. Dont need to be so scared i know Jeno is gonna love this" Chenle encouraged.

" what he said" Jisung said as he smiled cutely.

Upon hearing all of this, Jaemin heart felt an unexplainable sense of joy. Though his friends can be pieces of shit sometimes, in the end, they were the bestest of friends and will stay together through thick and thin.

Suddenly a loud 'ding!' interrupted the touching moment.

Hey Jaemin

Im at the park u asked me to
meet u at

Where r u?

" guys hes here, yall should get going ill update you after" Jaemin told the rest.

They all nodded and gave reassuring smiles. Soon all of them left and only Jaemin was left.

Stay put, ill come over

I have something special for u

Ummm ok lol

This was it. Jaemins special plan was finally getting put into action. He had some sleepless nights thinking about this specific evening. He troubled his best friends to help him. He even saved up his money for the important gift for Jeno.

" this shit better pay off" Jaemin said to himself, walking to where Jeno was.

He saw his love in the distance but he havent noticed the pink hair male watching him. He fixed his hair, checked his breath and wiped the sweat off his forehead.

You better not mess this up Jaemin.


Oooo wonder whats gonna happen next...

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넌 괜찮을 거야 oh 여긴 magic shop
So show me, I'll show you
-Magic Shop, BTS

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