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Look at these cuties, also happy 6 years for Mamamoo!💚

" lets come here again, the lamb skewers are delicious!" Jaemin perked up happily.

Jeno smiled at his cute bunny, he could literally die from the adorable-ness.

" next time, maybe next week"

They walked out of the restaurant. It was already getting dark, the street lights were turned on and the air was getting colder by the minute. The calming sound of the trees rustling and cars passing by, probably with people going back home from work.

Jaemin took the initiative to intertwine their fingers together. Though it happened before, Jeno started to blush a deep red again. He mentally thanked the gods for it being night time because Jaemin wouldnt be able to see his tomato like face.

The two didnt feel like going back home yet, the weather was too perfect to not enjoy it. They walked along the same path Jeno took while taking the walk, the same one where he met Moonbyul.

Speaking of her, she coincidently was walking that same path too as she was just at the nearby convenience store. Like Jaemin and Jeno, she also took the time to appreciate the cold weather.

But something ruined her mood. That something made her jealous, sad, disappointed, envy and many similar emotions.

While walking, she saw a familiar figure in front of her. She walked forward a little faster and squinted her eyes. Then she realised it was her one and only Jeno.

But her Jeno was holding someone elses hand, that kinda pissed her off.

" who the fuck is that beside Jeno?!" she whisper-shouted.

" Jaemin did you hear someone call my name?" Jeno asked after thinking he heard something.

When Moonbyul heard that, as fast as a cheetah, she hid behind a wall so they couldnt see her.

" i didnt hear anything, maybe its just the breeze or something" she heard the other guy say.

When she was sure they were gone, she dropped to the floor, back still on the wall. She brought her knees to her chest and put her head down. It was dark so it would be hard for anyone to see crying in the shadows.

Well fuck, i knew it, he already has someone else...

Its just tough luck Byuli, you were just too late. Dumb bitch.

Like for anyone, heartbreak hurts like a bitch. Obviously seeing the person you love and hope to spend the rest of your life with someone else is extremely painful. Just like getting hit by a bus, maybe even more painful than that.

She felt jealous, but she couldnt just start hating Jaemin, he didnt do anything wrong. He was just quicker. Of course she wouldnt go and hunt down Jaemin, she wasnt the crazy in love that she would become a whole ass psychopath. But still the feeling of jealousy and rage churned in her.

She just continued crying, regretting even approaching Jeno in the first place. Until she heard someone,

" hey... umm are you ok?"

Moonbyul lifted her head, eyes still blood shot and tears still continuously flowing down her face. 

You know how she said that Jeno was the most beautiful human being ever to exist, well she took everything back. This woman was the prettiest person she has ever laid her eyes on.

Long, straight but slightly wavy blonde hair. Eyes so bright that it brought light to the dark alley Moonbyul was in. Baby smooth skin, slightly sun-kissed.

" are you ok?" she repeated. Her voice was a little deep, but not as deep as Byuls.

" y-ye-a" Moonbyuls voice cracked a little in between her sniffs.

" well i doesnt look like it, you look really defeated" she said as she smiled. She held out her hand, and of course, Moonbyul accepeted it.

" what happened" her voice went to the worried tone she had just now.

" i-i... its a bit of a long story..." the latter said.

" well how bout we go that nearby lamb skewer shop and you can tell me. I mean only if you want to, im not forcing you or anything" the blonde suggetsed.

" i mean i do need someone to rant to... ill go" Moonbyul replied, a smile creeping on her face. Its like she forgot about everything that happened before.

" k, lets go!"

While eating:

" oh... well i hope this food cheers you up"

" to be honest, you were the one that cheered me up. Anyways you dont have to worry that much" Moonbyul chuckled.

" hey ya know what?"

The purple hair girl hummed a responce.

" we should hang out more in the future, youre pretty cool" she said before putting a spoonful of rice in her mouth.

" yea, youre cool too. Wanna exchange numbers?"

The other nodded her head.

After exchanging numbers, she asked, " oh yea i completely forgot, whats your name"

" its Yongsun, how bout yours?" ( a/n: Yongsun is Solars from Mamamoo real name if you didnt know )

" Byuli, but you can call me Moonbyul"

" cool"

Moonbyul giggled at Youngsuns monotone responce.

" whats so funny?"

" oh nothing" Moonbyul replied as she flashed her iconic gummy smile.

Moonbyul had a feeling like everything wasnt all bad after all.


I know this is more Moonsun than Nomin, but deal with it.

넌 마치 fly like a butterfly
날 멀리 데려갈 wings wings
이대로 fly like a butterfly
귓가엔 바람 소리 wing wing wing
- Butterfly, Loona

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