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( a/n: can we agree that Go was that bitch )

After the call, Jaemin could feel the tears welling at the bottom of his eyelids. He really needed a good cry to let it all out.

Jaemin wasnt the type to be scared of crying, he knew that crying doesnt make you less 'manly'. Its just a shitty stereotype.

Jaemin wrapped himself in his blankets like a burrito and let out all the bottled feeling.

Thoughts such as " he doesnt feel the same like you do, just forget that you ever had feelings for him in the first place" and " i took away his first kiss and he probably didnt want it with me, he probably was just acting nice so he wouldnt make me sad" and " Jaemin you messed up big time"

" dumbass"

" just a big dumbass"

He cried for who knows how long, and in the middle of all those tears, he fell asleep.


I was at Neocafe for my everyday coffee. I saw Jeno talking to one of co-workers. He turned at the sound of the bells chiming.

" good morning Jaemin ahh!"

" good morning Nono" i said calmly.

" usual?"

I nodded and he typed something into the cash register and gave a small slip of paper to the co-worker he was talking to just now. I guessed that it was my order.

" so how has your day been?" he said as he rested his chin on his palm. As always, looking breathtaking.

" fine, but gonna be ruined soon since i have to go to school" i rolled my eyes at the word 'school'.

" school is good for you though~" he replied in his ever so sweet voice. If you could taste voices, Jenos one would taste like sweet, pure sugar.

" easy for you to say, youre home schooled"

" its has its cons too"

" like what"

" you cant meet any friends, no real classmates or teachers. Just yourself really" his voice this time would taste bitter, with a hint of sadness.

" yea, that sucks" i tried to sound as sympathetic as possible, but i dont think ill ever be able to experience that.

Just as i finished my sentence, Jenos co-worker handed him an iced americano.

" here" he said as he handed me the coffee.

" thankss" i replied while handing him the money.

" oh yea, ill text you after school" i said sweetly, of course with a wink.

I saw his cute face turn baby pink, letting me know that my flirt worked.

As i opened the door, i heard him yell,

" Jaemin wait!"

" hmm?"

Like an ant spotting food left on the floor, Jeno ran towards me and snaked his arms around my waist and placed his head on my chest.

" i just wanna say that i really love you, a-and i appreciate that you always find time to hang out with me. I know that youre always busy and you really dont have to bother spending time with me, but you do. And i really wanna thank you for that" he stopped to take a big breath.

" of course theres more things that i wanna thank you for, but you not neglecting me is the main that im thankful for these days... again, i love you so much"

I was taken aback at the speech Jeno gave me while hugging me. I really didnt know how to reply, so i just hugged back.

After a few seconds, i said,

" if you really like hanging out with me, then how about after school we go to the park, together"

Jeno looked up to meet my eyes, sparkling in joy. He opened his mouth and said,

" you know what im talking about,
wake up right now"

" what?!?" i was beyond confused, but then i realised that it wasnt Jenos voice, it was my bias in Nct127 Johnnys voice.

" wake up right now!"

I opened my eyes in shock, it was all just a stupid dream. Well fuck. All the memories were flooding back. Ugh, obviously Jeno wont say that to you dumb shit. I was dazed, i just needed some time to comprehend what just happened. Not to mention that it was early in the morning so my brain wasnt functioning properly .

" Wakey-wakey-wakey, baby ざわめく buzz
Wakey-wakey-wakey-wakey 目覚めの blue eyes"

Finally i got brought back to earth, but i kinda wanted to stay in the clouds for longer. It seemed much better there than this piece of shit world.

I got out of my bed, the floor feeling extra cold on my feet. I looked out the window and realised it was raining last night. That kinda cheered me up, i liked humid smell of the outside after the rain. It was somewhat calming.

Soon i was in front of door, putting on my shoes, getting ready to leave. I was panicking inside, i had to see Jeno in real life this time. He doesnt know whats going through my head, espacially my heart. Hold on, my hearts already broken, i almost forgot.

I was contemplating how i should greet Jeno. It wasnt like i was meeting him for the first time so why am i like this? But then an idea popped in my head, why not just go to another cafe. You wouldnt have to see Jeno and start crying again, and youll get your coffee.

Though the place i had in mind was a little further, i think i can still make it in time for school.


好きと言わせたい あなたの方から
好きと言わせたい Won't you kiss?
- Suki to Iwasetai, Iz*One

too much coffee // nomin, jaenoWhere stories live. Discover now