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3rd person:

After picking an nice black tshirt and blue jeans. Jaemin just started mentally preparing myself to ask the employee for name.

Cmon Jaemin, YOU were the one who decided to do this. Anyways, your just asking for a humans most basic feature, A NAME.

Would he think im a creep, probably not, i mean i am going to meet every morning for my coffee. But still...........

While the male was deep in thought, he happened to glance at his watch.

It was almost 9:40 so he decided he should get going, ya know, not be late.


At the cafe:

Jaemin went up to the counter and saw the employee.

He greeted him with a smile, the same with pink-hair male.

" the usual?"

Jaemin noticed how the new employee has gotten more comfortable with taking his and other customers orders. He stopped stuttering with every sentence and has looked like he gained much more confidence. Jaemin also finds confindence sexy, waIT WHAT!??

" actually no, id like an iced americano but with only 1 shot of espresso. I think lesser caffine would be better tbh." Jaemin replied before questioning his thoughts he had earlier.

The employees face lit up, he looked very surprised.

" wow, thats a very good decision. Im glad you finally realised that you were going to die from all that coffee." The employee chuckled.

Jaemin laughed together with the black-hair male. Danm his smile is so cutee~ he looks just like a puppy awww jkskskshsksjsj.

Jaemin didnt realise he was just staring at the employee with heart eyes until he said loudly,

" hey dude, you ok?"

" y-yea, i-im fine"

The confused male just nodded his head and typed something in the cash register.

When he gave Jaemin the reciept, Jaemin felt like this was the perfect timing to ask.

" hey, umm, can i have your name please"

" oh yea, its Jeno"


" and im Jaemin"

The pink-hair boy hesitated for a split second, but wanted to try his luck so he also asked,

" can i have your number too -///- ....please" He said while smilling sheepishly.

"o-ok.." Jeno replied, face tinted with a shade of pink.

Little did Jaemin know, Jeno had a small tiny crush on him. Ever since Jaemin came into the cafe on his first day of work, the black-hair boy fell in love with Jaemins bright smile and kind personality. He thought his pink hair was the most adorable he had ever seen. And now Jeno is giving his crush his number, he thought he couldnt get luckier.

KEEP IT COOL JENO, CMON JUST GIVE HIM THE NUMBER, AINT THAT HARD! Jeno panicked in his head but he tried to keep a cool exterior.

Jaemin gave Jeno his phone and he typed his number in the others phone. He saved his name Jeno-jam. It was a nickname his friends gave him as his jokes did nothing but bring the mood down.

" Jeno-jam, how cute!~" Jaemin cooed.

Jeno felt his heart skip a beat at the compliment.

" y-yea its just a nickname my friends gave me" Jeno cursed in his head for stuttering.

When Jaemin got his coffee, he quickly went up to the counter,

" text me Nono~" he flirted while winking.

Jaemin was proud of himself. Not only for having the balls to flirt with someone, but also for making Jenos face as red as a tomato.

Godammit Jaemin, stop making my heart beat so fast.

For the rest of the day, only Jaemin was in Jenos mind, same with latter.

Both Jeno and Jaemin could not to start texting each other after they were done school and work.


차가운 날 녹여줄 babe like you yeah, like you yeah
어딜 가도 너밖에 없어
달콤히 날 아껴줄 babe like you yeah, like you yeah
- Nobody like you, Itzy

too much coffee // nomin, jaenoWhere stories live. Discover now