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3rd person:

This morning would be the 4th time he would visit the cafe, with the new employee of course.

And every single time he has asked for his normal order, he instead got a coffee that wasnt that strong. But tbh, Jaemin had been feeling better without all that caffine in his veins. Maybe i should actually ask for less shots, Jaemin thought to himself.

Jaemin had made up his mind, he was going to ask for the new employees name, and if he was lucky enough, his number. Jaemin didnt know why he was trying so much, he usually isnt the one who approaches the other first.

Well, it was like that when he met Haechan.



Jaemin had just moved into this neighbourhood and it was his first week in school. The past few days was just him getting to know the schools layout and his way around it. But he hadnt really tried to make any friends.

That changed when the literal sun went up to Jaemin and asked if they could hang out.

" Hey Jaemin! "

" o-oh hi Haechan "

Jaemin knew his name as Haechan was pretty popular and had a big presence in his class.

" Im not saying that youre lonely buuuut you kinda are so... you wanna hang out with me and my other friends? "

Jaemin didnt know whether to be offended or thankful. However, he saw it as an opportunity to meet new people without trying too hard so he accepted the offer.

" sure, how bout after school, sounds good? "

Haechan nodded his head in response and then both parted ways to head to their classes.

Time skip till after school:

Jaemin walked out of the school gate to see Haechan and a few other students that he has seen before but never really talked to. He guessed they were Haechans other friends.

" hey Jaemin! "

" hey Haechanie "

" oh yea, before i forget lemme introduce to you my friends "

The tan male pointed to a shorter, blonde male.

" This is Chenle, hes from china so dont be too hard on him if dosent speak well "

Upon hearing this, the chinese snapped and shouted,


He then turned to Jaemin and flashed his friendliest smile and said,

" hi Jaemin hyung, nice to meet you!"

" nice to meet you too Chenle!"

Jaemin thought that Chenle was a great person but he probably didnt want to mess with his savage side.

" well this is Jisung, hes the youngest here so he might be a bit immature"

Haechan pointed to a brown-haired, tall male. Jaemin was surprised that he was the youngest as Jisung was about his height.

Jisung didnt shout like Chenle but he just rolled his eyes at Haechans words. He went up Jaemin and said,

" hi there Jaemin hyung!"

" hi Jisungie"

" lastly, this is Mark hyung, hes the oldest and the most annoying tbh"

Haechan pointed to a black- haired boy with blonde streaks in his hair.

Mark just sighed, he looked like he has delt with Haechans shit for long enough that he got used to it.

" lets be great friends Jaeminie " Mark said.

" same here too" Jaemin replied.

" now enough with the introductions, its getting boring. Lets go to the arcade!!" Haechan suggested.

The rest of group agreed and went to the mall where the arcade was.


At the end of the day, they were all exhausted from playing, chatting and goofing off at the mall.

" Hey Jaemin-ah"

" Yea Mark hyung?"

" spending time with today was so much fun, and you seem really cool and i was thinking.... would you want to join our group. I mean im not forcing you to but-"

" sure ill join" Jaemin said with a big smile before Mark could finish.

Jaemin was so grateful to have found such amazing people and he was willing to spend the rest his school life or longer with them.


The nomin is coming just wait~

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이해 못 할 크기로
넌 존재해
내 마음에
I'll be your home
Ooh-ooh I'll be your home
- Dear Dream, NCT Dream

too much coffee // nomin, jaenoWhere stories live. Discover now