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" hey byul how bout we go to park and feed some birds?"

" omg yess" Moonbyul flashed her gummy smile again.

Though the two have just met like 3 hours ago, they got pretty comfortable with each other. Well not as comfortable as Jeno with his best friends, but it was pretty good for meeting for the first time.

Since Jeno had some left over bread, he thought it was a good idea if he didnt waste it and feed it to the birds.

The arrived at the park. The temperature was just perfect, not too hot nor cold. The butterflies were prancing on the colourful flowers. The scene looked as if it came out of a book (👀).

They found a crowd of pigeons and there was already a child and her mother feeding  them.

Jeno tore a small piece of the bread and threw it at the flock. As quick as a bullet, one of the pigeons pecked at it, like a predator to its prey.

" lemme try!" Moonbyul enthusiastically said.

" here"

The purple hair female did the same as Jeno did. This time another pigeon ate it.

Though feeding birds is a fairly simple and unexciting activity, the pair still had so much fun.

" oh no were out of bread!" Moonbyul cried out in disappointment.

" its ok, maybe we can hang out like this again in the future" Jeno calmed her down.

" t-that would be great!"

You didnt understand the happiness Moonbyul was feeling. The guy she happened to come across, and fell for instantly, was suggesting to hang out with her. Now she was just smiling like an idiot at the thought of them hanging out more and having fun.

" umm... byul? You there?" Jeno waved his hand in front of her eyes while raising a brow.

" o-oh y-yea" she slightly blushed.

" yea i was asking for your number so itll be easier for me to tell you the time we can hang out, you fine with that?" Jeno asked.

Moonbyul was a literal mess, her brain was racing with panicked thoughts, her heart was beating faster than a bullet train and her red cheecks were also not helpful. She looked as if she just ran a marathon.

" byul are you ok, you look sick, you need me to send you to the clinic?"

" n-no im fine Jeno" she reassured, however she probably needed to, her heart was beating unhealthily fast.

" ok.... heres my phone, save your number here" Jeno said, still worried about the others well-being.

Moonbyul saved herself as 'Moon🌙li'.

" nice, be sure to add me too!"

" y-yea" she managed to blurt out.

The two said their goodbyes and parted ways from the park, enjoying the cool breeze at the same time.

Omg your so dumb Byuli, you dont stand a chance with him. He probably has someone else... No Byul you still have to try, it may pay off in the end! Hes the best guy youll ever meet so you must you must get with him!

Moonbyul was so deep in thought that she accidently bumped into someone. She fell onto the ground with a loud 'thud!'.

"omg im so so so sorry!" she said as she stood up quickly. She did a low bow, praying she wouldnt get into any trouble.

" oh its fine, i should apologise too" the man said.

Moonbyul looked up to see a guy with light pink hair, smile literally brighter than the sun.

" well ill be going" she blurted out.

He nodded and the two went their opposite ways.

Ugh, Byul youre really stupid.


I don't wanna hold you back
Tell Me Now
I don't wanna hold you back
널 바라보잖아 Baby
I don't wanna hold you back
Tell Me Now
- Baby, The Rose

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