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L-O-V-E a four-letter word. The definition of it is in varied forms. You won't find that one set of sentences that can define love correctly. Although you may find a very particular definition of it over on Wikipedia but that won't satisfy you I am sure of it. If the meaning of love to me is a hopeless feeling of an indescribable type of fondness or attachment to one from which you cannot escape while the definition of love to another person maybe Platonical or completely familial. I would say it all depends on personal experience you may have a different opinion, but then again whatever kind of opinion on love it maybe it will vary and it can't be helped. In today's times none of us really believe in love. It's maybe because one has gotten their trust broken multiple times and has stopped believing that they won't ever find 'the one' or is tired of sitting around waiting for life to throw 'the one' on their face. But that's the heartbreaking cold hard truth about love, it won't find you nor will you go seek for it. Now you must be confused, well it is quite confusing so I don't blame you. I have this small belief, now I know that you must be thinking, go ahead call me a supersite but it is a belief I have acquired from experience and to me this belief is the answer to some of my deepest philosophical questions, so its kind of hard to get rid of really. I would have gotten rid of it though but when I almost had, a very special person entered my life again after 11 years.

'Anna? Is that really you?' the man who I had not since eleventh grade, the man who built me up only to break me to pieces is standing right in front of me on the opposite pavement as I am left speechless while millions of memories pool into my mind. The wind has picked up sudden pace and is blowing hard making the fly-aways from my bun sway back. Once I am back to my senses and wits for that matter, not wanting to start an uncomfortable discussion I push those painful memories and plaster a huge ass smile on my face and try to say "Hi Will" but it only comes out as a faint breathy whisper.

He walks over to me and grips my shoulders smiling so hard as if his face may start to twitch any moment now. I try to look unfazed by his sudden show of affection towards me but fail miserably as I shudder a little under his touch. He quickly responds to my sudden reaction and immediately loosens his grip as I slowly watch his big hands that once used to cup my cheeks when I cried fall at his either sides. Not now Anna we just met! the small voice inside my head whispers. "They are definitely not kidding when they say it's a windy day in New York!" he chuckles lightly trying to diffuse the awkwardness between us by his corny jokes. Typical Will Mathew. The corners of my mouth turn up a little and I bite down on my lower lip to suppress a giggle. It is really hard controlling my emotions around him. It is astounding how I am still so responsive to his behavior.

"—I am sure you could take me there. Anna? Are you listening?" suddenly I am broken away from my endless chain of thoughts and memories and realize I had been staring at his face for more than ten minutes! Great job Anna! The voice inside my head mocks me. "I am so sorry I am awfully distracted today, could you repeat that?" I try to smile a little to cover up my embarrassing moment and obviously a red mess on my cheeks that can clearly be seen. "Still so stiff? I thought you moved on Anna!" he fakes a gasp and starts laughing so hard that the sound resonates from the dark empty alley ways around us and my face warms up and turns to an even redder shade. He shoves my shoulders a little bit and continues "loosen up! I had no idea the Always-Laughing-Anna has turned to an Always-Grumpy-Anna" I know he is trying to make me laugh but there is no way I am letting him in again. I really don't want to go down that road again. He is a closed chapter of my life and I am in no hurry to open it again any time soon. "Lame as always Mathew!" I mock and roll my eyes.

"Hey! You may not know but back at my college I was given the title of Mr. Funny" he announces proudly. Surprised as ever I ask in disbelief "Really?"

"nah just kidding!" he reveals laughingly and waves his hand in front of his face. "Anyway, what was I saying before you became 'awfully distracted' because of my drool worthy physique—" he smirks at me and starts melodramatically grunting as he flexes. I playfully swat his shoulder only to release that angel like chuckle of his. Focus Anna, Focus! "—ah, I saw an amazing café has just opened down the busy New Moore avenue. I was hoping to go there sometime. But since fate has led me to you how could I possibly go there alone"

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