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'Doctor can I see him?' I ask.

'Yeah. He is in room three-hundred-forty-four.'


I push the door and slide in without trying to make any sound that may wake up Will.

'Its okay, I am not asleep.' Will speaks nearly scaring me to death.

'Why aren't you asleep? The doctor clearly said you need sleep.'

I plop down on the hospital bed.

'If I fell asleep I wouldn't be able to see your face. Anymore.'

The last word caught me off guard and I start crying on to his chest. He wraps his hands around my body.

'Please don't cry like this Annie Bunny. I love you. I hate to see you like this.'

'I love you too.'

He kisses me lightly and I don't remember when I fell asleep.


'Annie? Annie, Wake up.' Will whispers to me. Startled, I jump up. 'Will, are you okay? Do I need to get you anything? Water? Bed pan? Bucket? Food? Paper napki-'

'Anna Calm down! I am fine.' Will chuckles. I suddenly realize the room is very dark.

'Wait I'll turn on the lights.'

'Way to kill a mood Hart!' Will huffs.

'What mood? Not your mood swings again! God I need to get you a better therapist!'

'Not that kinda mood!'

'Then what exactly are you talking about?' I am so confused.

'Come on in guys!' He calls out.

Amelia, James and Zoe enter the room. Amelia and Zoe each hold an ignited candle in their hand. They stand infront of Will's bed. James pulls out a small blue velvet covered box from his Jeans pocket and tosses it to Will. He catches it before it falls on the bed.

Ahem. Ahem. Will coughs to catch my attention. I look at him.

'I am sorry, I cannot get down on my knees but if I could, I definitely would.'

Oh. My. Is. This. Really. Happening!

'Would you, Annabelle Lee Hart, do me the honor by accepting my hand in marriage?'

I gasp. A tear falls on my cheek. I suddenly realize James is in the room. I turn to face him. He quietly nods.

'Yes! Yes! Yes!' I exclaim and jump into his arms to kiss him.


We decided to have the wedding next week. It was very hectic. We had to arrange for the paperwork, the venue, the cake, the dress and obviously the guest list all in three days! Will and I didn't want to wait. We know what awaits us but I atleast want to spend whatever time I have with Will before it's too late.


I was up at three in the morning, I don't even think it was morning! Amelia arrived at four with a group of makeup artists. Zoe was in charge of photography. She got her team at the venue at two to fix things up.

Knock. Knock.

'Come in!' I call out. I am already fitted in my beautiful white flowy gown that reaches the floor. My neckline is beautifully laced with white petals. The cleavage cut is on point. The back of the dress has a metallic-sheer texture that is very elegant yet not too revealing.

James enters the fitting room. I stand up and smile at him.

'Let me take a look at you.' He tells me and I twirl around a little and bow. We both chuckle.

'Come here'

We both hug for a really long time. When we pull apart I notice he is crying. I wipe his tears away with the back of my hand. He sniffles.

'You are so beautiful. I am so happy you finally are with the person you love. These are happy tears.' He tells me.

I am crying too. I swat at his arm, 'You British men! So emotional, Making me cry! Ruined my mascara.' I jokingly accuse.

He laughs.

'Seriously, I am happy.' He repeats. I know deep down he is hurting.

'Anna? Are you listening?' He asks when I don't respond. I catch him off guard by jumping and hugging him once more.

'James, please don't be hurt. I am so sorry.' I cry into his chest.

'Its okay, it wasn't your fault. You love him. Maybe you never loved me. But I will always love you Miss Americana. You will always be here.' He takes my hand and places it over his beating heart.

'And you will be here. Mr. Great Britain.' I tell him and place his hand on mine. We chuckle. But our laughter cannot mask the sadness in our hearts.

'Hey, it's time.' Zoe yells through the door.

'Lets go.' He holds my hand and leads me to the aisle. Jeff is here. He will walk the aisle with me. He has always been the father figure in my life after James entered my life. Will sits in his wheel chair, wearing a black tuxedo. His face breaks into a smile. I smile back and a tear falls on my cheek. He wipes his eyes as quiet gesture to make me stop crying. I finally stand infront of him. One of the two loves of my life. I am so privileged to have found love in two men than one and found three families. As I look out at the faces sitting at the pew. My three families, Zoe and Jeff. Amelia and Camila. Jennie and Aron Matthew. I have met so many people in my life, but I think they are the only people to have become my family. I never understood what a family is or what it feels like. But these people made me feel at home. They were and are still, My homes.

Father starts reciting the vows,
'Do you take take thee, Annabelle Lee Hart, to be your lawfully wedded wife? to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto you pledge thee your faith?'

'I do.' Will answers.

Now my turn,
'Do you take take thee, William David Matthew, to be your lawfully wedded husband? to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto you pledge thee your faith?'

I look out once more at the pew, now to find James's eyes. Gestures me with his hands to go on and answer.

I look at Will and answer,' I do.'

'You have declared your consent before the church, you are now man and wife.'

He turns to Will, 'You may now kiss the bride.'

I bend a little to kiss him but he pulls me on his lap and plants a long and lingering kiss on my lips.

Everyone at the church claps.

This was a hectic day for all of us. Everything went well for everyone. Zoe may have found a new love interest today. The lighting guy from her team.

We both finally lay on the bed. Will holding me in his arms. I climb on top of him. Just when we start making out the doorbell rings.

'Ugh!' Both of us annoyed yell in unison.

'I'll go check.' I get up and open the door to find a girl in a white dress, her hair in a half-up-half-down hairdo. Huge hoops dangle from her ears.

'May I come in Anna?'

My eyes soften upon hearing her sorrowful voice.

'Sure, Linda. Come.'

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