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I immediately tap on the notification. NO.NO.NO THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!

After a few minutes I find myself sitting on the stairs of someone's front porch and scrolling shamelessly through his Instagram. His feed is filled with his vacation pictures, which he probably went on with his friends.

Thats when I come across a picture where he is standing too close to a girl wearing a yellow sundress. He looks so happy. It's captioned, MY LOVE with three heart emojis.

Could that be his girlfriend? the voice inside my head pops up again.

No. Why am I even thinking about that! It's been almost 11 years since we broke up and he has every right to go ahead and date someone who looks as if she has just popped out of a Vogue magazine cover!

Then why do you care if she is beautiful or not?

'Are you freaking kidding me! I can see she's good looking! Can't I just think that! like A NORMAL PERSON WOULD! AND I DON'T CARE! IN ANY WAY!'

I look around to find everyone on the street looking at me, I think I yelled it out loud. Now I am all stiff and awkward.

'Ann! What's going on?' I hear Zoe's voice from distance. She is apparently almost running from across the street, with her hoop earrings dangling. How does she even wear those! Doesn't it feel like her ears are just about to fall off from her head?

She now stands in front of me, huffing and panting. 'What are you people looking at?' she almost yells at the pedestrians. Soon the crowd slowly vanishes.

Zoe puts her hand on my shoulder and asks with the same caring nature as a mother would, 'Are you okay? What happened?'

'I was thinking out loud' I mumble like an embarrassed seven year old.

Zoe lightly chuckles and hands me my hot cocoa.

'But on a serious note, are you sure you are okay Sweetie? you seem a little on the edge today. Has anything happened?' she asks as she tucks a fly-away from my bun behind my ear.

I purse my chapped lips together and shake my head.

She sighs, 'Well if you say so, but remember you can talk to me about anything'.

For a moment I consider telling her, but I quickly back out from my decision.

For Heaven's Sake! She is your fiancé's sister! You really think telling her will be a good idea? I hope you do understand that your past with Will is shady not to mention quite steamy! The voice inside my head yells.

Well thats true. What would Zoe think of me! I am marrying her brother for Christ's sake!

Ring. Ring. Ring. My phone lights up in my hand. It's James.

I stare at my phone's screen for a while. It's us. James and I, we had gone to Egypt in January. This picture was taken right after he proposed to me right there in front of the Great Sphinx, in front of thousands of tourists. They are all clapping and my red face is buried in his chest as he flashes his charming smile triumphantly at the camera. This picture always made my day but today, I feel this overwhelming sting of guilt in my heart. He loves me. A lot. A lot more than I could love him back.

'Aren't you gonna pick that up?' Zoe's voices brings be back to reality.

'Yeah' I hurriedly answer and pick up the call.

'Hey! What took you so long!' a voice with an English accent booms on the other side.

'Nothing, you know you shouldn't have bought me a new iPhone, I don't quite understand how these things work!' I jokingly accuse.

'Oh hush! You are living in a modern world my darling! keep up!' He laughs.

'Oh Shut up' I try to mimic his accent but fail miserably. This sends him into a fit of laughter again.

'Anyway! Come home as fast as you can, I want to introduce you to my new business partner! She owns a renowned publishing firm called Accord, maybe you could intern here if you don't get it at Hilltop Publishing. She is specifically looking for an aspiring writer and is ready to offer you a fully paid internship once you get the job!'. He exclaims.

Oh. My. God! I can't believe it! I squeal and answer, 'I am coming home right now!'

'I love you Ms. Americana!'

'I love you too Mr. Great Britain!'

We have a lot of pet names for each other, this one is particularly our favourite. We had bumped into each other on the day I first set foot on our college campus. That was the first time I had seen his face. We had got off the wrong foot that day because prior to our not-so-friendly encounter he had gotten into trouble with his friends over a bet and I, had just called it quits with my then boyfriend the other night. Well I had no right to be pissed off cuz I was kinda cheating on him with none other than Will. But anyway, James had yelled at me and used some British slang which I had no idea what it meant. It sounded funny, like something Daffy Duck from Looney Tunes would say so I cracked up.

So he said, 'Are you laughing at my accent?'

I felt brave so I reverted back with a yes and his face burnt up with anger. But I couldn't control my laughter.

'Ha ha ha, it's very funny isn't it Ms. Americana?' he had remarked sarcastically.

'I'd take that as a compliment because I am very proud of my Native Land' I announce.

'Ha Ha!' he imitated sarcastically and walked past me.

I felt his strong urge to annoy him even further so I called back, 'Have a nice day Mr. Great Britain'

'So?' Zoe asks. I had almost forgotten she was with me all this while.

'James said that his new business partner owns a reputed publishing firm called Accord. So, if I don't get the job here at Hilltop, they are willing to hire me as a paid intern.' I squeal.

Soon enough we are both jumping and squealing in the middle of the side walk. Our eyes meet some disgusted glares from the pedestrians but we don't care.

'I need to hurry home!'

Zoe agrees and we take an Uber and drop off at the entry of our new apartment we just bought over on 2nd Street. I had warned James not to spend too much money, but as usual,

Once a spendthrift, Always a Spendthrift.

Zoe lives just the floor below, so, it's just me when I ring the bell. I hear the sound of James approaching the door.

'Hey Beautiful!' he greets and pulls me into a tight hug.

'Hey Handsome!' I greet back.

'So, Linda! This is Anna, my fiancé' he calls out loud.

I hear the clicking of the heels on the hardwood floor, and my mouth drops open.


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