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Before I can process all of this I realize that I am tightly clutching on to Brooklyn and crying.
Will takes a step towards us and brings both of us into a big hug.
This is my Brooklyn. I found my baby. She is so beautiful. She even has long brunette hair like Will and her eyes, they remind me of my mother.
I pull apart with Brooklyn after a long silent hug. Will comes closer to get a better look at Brooklyn. His eyes are glistening with tears. A few drops run down his cheek.
Brooklyn reaches out her tiny little hands and wipes them off from Will's face. He breaks out into a half sobbing laughter. I feel like I should hand Brooklyn to Will now, so I do.
He takes her into his arms and makes funny faces and tickles her which makes Brooklyn giggle.
Will whispers to me, 'She has your laugh and your mother's eyes.' I smile and reply softly, 'She has your hair-'
Brooklyn suddenly pulls out a tuft of Will's Brunette hair.
'Ouch!' Will softly yells in pain intending not to scare her.
'- and your mischievous habits of course.' I smirk.
'Ha ha very funny isn't it?' He replies sarcastically.
'Duh!' I answer back. He winces and we quietly laugh at our own funny banters.
'Ahem. Ahem.' Dolores coughs lightly to capture our attention.
'Dearies, would you like a cup of chamomile tea?'
We nod in unison.
'Might I suggest not taking Brooklyn downstairs, I believe somethings are to be cleared up that Brooklyn should not have to be a part of just yet' Dolores implies,as we are about to walk down into the parlor with Brooklyn in Will's arms.

The china clatters in Dolores's shaking hands as she sets them down onto the table.
I pick up the cup and drink up in one gulp.
'Its okay dear, slowly, no hurries. Tea usually calms your nerves and calming tea is exactly what you both need right now.' Dolores tells me.
'Yes. Thank You. Aunty' I smile.
'Do you have any coffee? It really-' Will asks but stops abruptly as soon as he notices Artie's glare from the kitchen.
'Okay.' He mumbles quietly to himself.
I place the cup onto the plate and look up to find Dolores looking at me eagerly. I think she wants me to say something now. I have been awfully quiet after having such an emotional encounter with Brooklyn.
'So Aunty, what is Brooklyn like?' I ask eagerly as my heart fills with both joy and pain.
'Oh she is the sweetest Girl in all of Lucia-'
'In the whole wide world I'd say!' Artie interrupts from the kitchen.
We all lightly chuckle.
'But alas! It is so unfortunate!' She sighs.
'What is unfortunate aunty?' I ask worriedly.
Is Brooklyn okay? Has something happened? Its so awful she is growing up without a proper mother! I feel so guilty! I abandoned my own child! My eyes again well up with tears.
'We don't think we can provide for her anymore. We are not a rich family you see. We live in a shack in the middle of nowhere. Artie was diagnosed with COPD last month. We could barely cover the doctor and hospital fee. Brooklyn is seven now, she needs to go to a proper school. How long can we home school her. Artie and I are hanging on by our whiskers here. We may need to sell the house if this goes on.' Dolores explains.
'Aunty-' Will slowly gets up from the couch and squats down infront of her.
'You two are her biological parents after all! Can't you take her with you? We will miss her of course but you can always bring her here on the weekends.' Dolores is crying too.
'She has grown up with us, knowing that we are her grandparents and that you two, her real parents are in a different country due to some work.'
'-every year on her birthday-'
'Eighteenth June.' I whisper to myself remembering that day and how I did not even want to see Brooklyn after she was born. I had called up the adoption center the next morning to come to the hospital and take her. I sniffle a little.
'-Yes, she asks when will you two be back and like every other time we lie to her, saying that you two got stuck at work.' Dolores continues.
I cannot take this anymore! This guilt is overwhelmingly painful.
'I am sorry, I need air.' I hastily run out the door and stop in the middle of the green field.
I take a deep breath. This is horrible! I am a horrible person for abandoning my daughter! I am a horrible person for burdening such a sweet couple. My whole life I have done nothing but ruin things. I ruined things with Will. My daughter's life is about to be ruined by me. Hell, I think I already did. James, he will be crushed once he finds out Will and I kissed. Everything is going south! I fall on to the wet grass and hug my knees. I am crying.
I hear a faint creek of the wooden door. The grasses ruffle under someone's feet.
I feel someone squating down beside me. I don't have it in me to turn my head.
'Brooklyn is a beautiful girl. She is our girl.' Will softly whispers to me.
'I am the reason why she is growing up like this.' I tell him in between sobs.
'No you are not. You did not know what to do. I shouldn't have snapped at you that day when you told me that you were pregnant. I am sorry. This is all on me.' Will apologizes.
He takes my hand and helps me up.
I am still crying. The wind is blowing hard in my face. A few strands of my hair are flying infront of my face. He tucks them behind my ear. I cannot help it. So, this time whatever I am doing is on me. I take his face in my hands and kiss him. He kisses me back. His one hand is in my hair, pulling them back. While his other hand is on my waist pulling me closer. Its the same feeling. As if sparks are igniting in my body. I feel adrenaline pulsing through my veins. He pulls at my waist and I deepen the kiss. Its like I am pushed back in time. When we first kissed at our school bonfire.
'I like you, Ms. Hart.' He had told me.
As our lips finally part.
We are left breathless. We are both looking awkwardly down at the grass at our feet. As we glance at each other's faces, we break into a fit of laughter. We had not realized before, the clouds have started turning grey. A loud thunder cracks and it starts pouring. Hand over our heads we make a run towards the shack. By the time we are inside the house we are soaking wet.
Dolores takes one look at us and runs to the other room and a minute later she is back with two towels and hands them to us. We wipe off the water from our hands and hair.
'Oh I forgot! Could you excuse me for a minute I need to make an important call.' Will tells us.
We all nod in unison and leave the hallway to Will and move into the parlor.
'It seems another cup of tea is in order to be consumed.' Dolores tells me.
'Oh no no. Aunty, no need. Its okay.' I tell her politely.
'Don't be so polite darling, tea is already here!' Artie comes into the parlor with a tray of tea and cookies.
'Try it, it's my special blend.' Artie smiles as he sets the tray onto the table. I take the cup in my hands and take a whiff of the steam. 'It smells heavenly.' I tell Artie.
He smiles sheepishly.
Will then bursts into the room.
'Uncle, Aunty! Good news! I just had a talk with my legal finance department and my company will be financially supporting you all. Every month my company will be providing one million to your family. Which will eventually aid to Uncle's treatment and and Brooklyn's education. She can stay here and get a proper education!' He exclaims.
I feel happy for the couple but deep down its really painful that I won't get to take Brooklyn with me. Who am I even kidding? If I take her what will I say to James? Also I cannot push such huge responsibility on Will when he is at the peak of his career!
My phone vibrates in my bag kept on the table at the entrance hallway. I take it out to find Zoe calling me. I answer the call with my best 'I-am-okay-and-I-am-at-the-nearest-mall-shopping-with-my-work-friend' voice.
'You're At Santa Luciana with that nutjob of a CEO? What were you even thinking!' Zoe yells through the phone.
Oh no.

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