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'- so, I did what I had to do! That stock broker was really getting on my nerves. He bloody told me to sell half of my labour department because according to him it was unmanageable!' Its the usual business talk on the dinner table. James is going on jabbering and Zoe is continuously nodding her head.

I, on the other hand, am thinking of how I am supposed to break the news to James that I will be leaving tomorrow morning at seven a.m with Will to God knows where.

Don't get me wrong. James respects my decisions and he let me does whatever I want. But after this morning's incident I don't think he would be too happy with me going somewhere with him.

'Ann? Are you okay? You seem very distracted.' Gah! Zoe is always good at analyzing people. Especially me.

Screw it! 'I need to go to office tomorrow at seven a.m to get a few things before the working hours start and after that I really need to go shopping.'

'Shopping?' Both of them exclaim in unison.

'Since when are you so fond of spending money Ann?' James chuckles.

'I need a few things. I need a few office outfits.' I defend myself and try not to let my lie show.

'Okay, stop teasing her James! She needs to go so she will go. End of discussion. A woman should never be questioned about shopping. Shopping is like therapy. Don't question it's powers.' Zoe retorts and flashes a smile at me.

'Okay, okay.' James laughs.

'Anna you can take the porsche then. I won't be needing it tomorrow. My business meeting for tomorrow got postponed to next week. I can take the Bentley. Jared will drive you.'

'I won't be needing the car. Amelia will come to pick me up.'

'Oh. Um. Okay then.'
I know James feels weird about my sudden urge to go shopping and me relying on someone else to pick me up and drop me. Its not how i usually roll. I hate lying to James.

The next morning, I wake up at five to find James snoring soundly beside me. His hands are wrapped around my waist and his head is nuzzled up against my back. He looks so cute when he is asleep.

My phone buzzes on the nightstand. I slowly reach out my hands to grab it, intending not to wake up James.

Its a text from Will.

I will be here at 6:45 to pick you up.

I quickly send an 'okay' and get down from my bed.

I arrange my outfit as I am brushing my teeth while some hot mocha is brewing in the latte machine. After yesterday's panic attack I am quite exhausted today. So I may need a bit of mocha to keep me awake. I decided on wearing a short frilly yellow sundress with blue dandelions on it. While drinking my mocha I make some breakfast for James and I. By 6:30 I have eaten my breakfast and taken a shower.

Oh Shit!

MY DRESS IS BACKLESS! FUCK! NO. NO. NO. NO. I don't want Will to think something else about me.

I hear the iron gates of the building opening.

I creep up to the glass window to find Will standing in front of the main gate.

I check the time and its exactly six forty-five. I don't have time to change into another outfit. I run to my closet and grab my denim jacket and shrug it on. I sigh in relief.

I quickly write a note for James and post it onto the fridge and run out the door with my bag and phone in hand.

I reach the lobby and walk out the main gate to find Will.

He wears a leather biker jacket and ripped jeans. His hair is ruffled.

He stares at me for a while. Oh God no. Not again! I shouldn't have agreed to this. I am over him and I certainly don't want him.

'Oh. Um. You wore a dress?' He coughs.

'Yeah. whats wrong?' I ask.

'No. I mean- I think its better if you see for yourself.'

He leads me out the building and I see a motorcycle parked out front. My jaw drops open.

Then I realized why his hair was ruffled.

'So what to do now? Should I go change?' I ask.

'No. No. Just be careful okay?' He assures me.

He gets up on the bike and so do I. He hands me a helmet and I put it over my head. He starts the bike and I almost feel as if I am about to fall off so i quickly wrap my hands around Will's lean and slightly muscular figure. He speeds down the road and everything, the surroundings the urban areas just pass so quickly in the glimpse of an eye.

Soon, all I could see are tall trees, hatched houses and big farm areas in the middle of huge fields full of green grass. Will parks infront of a small house and we get down. I take off my helmet and take in a deep breath and soak in the beauty of the raw country side. I hand Will my helmet and he hangs them on the side of the bike.

'Do you like it? The country side?' He asks.

I can't contain my excitement anymore so I nod and ask 'Where are we and what are we doing here?'

'You'll see.' He says.

We enter the compound of the house and knock on the door. An elderly woman in her fifties answers the door. She wears a white embroidered apron over her pink long dress and her tufts of white curly hair is pulled up in a loose knot over her head.

'Yes?' Her voice quivers.

I let Will talk, 'Auntie, I had called you yesterday do you remember?' He asks very softly and politely.

'Oh! Yes, yes my dear! Come in! You must be Anna' She smiles at me and opens the door wide enough for us to come in. I smile back and slowly enter the house. The wooden floor board creaks a little from the movement over it.

'Who is it Dolores?' An elderly man with a southern accent calls out.

'Its the girl!' The lady whose name I assume is Dolores calls out.

A huge elderly man walks out of the kitchen. He has white stubble on his cheek and carries a stick. He coughs a little and struggles to take in a deep breath.

'Oh Artie! You were supposed to be on bed rest! Look at yourself!' Dolores caringly reprimands.

'I had to see you Dolores! My day does pass by like that.' He grins sheepishly.

'Oh! Stop it you old hillbilly' Dolores blushes.

I could feel the awkwardness between Will and me.

'You both come with me' Dolores leads us up the stairs and opens the door to a room that is beautifully wallpapered with white and pink flowers and is decorated with a small bed and toys.'

'Baby? Where are you' Dolores calls out in a sing song-y voice.

A little girl of around seven with burnette hair wearing a frilly frock comes toddling into view.
She is so beautiful.

'I am here!' She calls out and then giggles.

She slowly toddles and stands infront of me. I drop down to get a closer look at her.

'Hello. Who are you? You are such a sweet girl! I wanna gobble you up' I say in a baby voice and tickle her. She giggles.

I look up at Will and Dolores they are both in tears.

I am confused. 'Why are you all crying?'

'Tell her your name baby.' Dolores sweetly asks the girl.

'My name is Brooklyn'

My eyes too have now started welling up with tears. This is my Brooklyn. My baby!

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