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Linda comes in holding a small white box topped with a satin bow.

'Wow. Anna, you look gorgeous!' She tells me.

'Annie? Who is it?' Will calls from the other room.

'Its Linda.'

He doesn't respond. I hear a few thumps.

'Will, you okay?'

'Yeah, I am fine.' He wheelchairs into the living room.

I rush to his side and push the wheel chair infront of Linda.

'Hey, Linda.' He greets.

Linda is crying. She falls to her knees. 'Will, I am so sorry. I never expected what we had or I thought we had to turn out like this. You are so far away from me. But I am happy, because you finally are with the person you love.'

'I am so happy you finally are with the person you love.' James's voice echos in my head.

'-Isn't it Anna?' Will is looking at me.

'I zoned out again didn't I?' I say sheepishly. Both of them laugh.

'Well, it's not only me today. Somebody's waiting for you two down stairs.

'Who?' Will and I ask in unison.

'Wait a second.' Linda slides out the door and is back in a couple of minutes. She enters the apartment holding Brooklyn's hand.

'I think it's time for you guys.' She tells us.

I walk towards Brooklyn and bend down to reach her height. 'Brooklyn, this is mommy and that is daddy. We are so sorry baby we couldn't see you sooner. But now we are here. We will be a happy family!'

'Family?' She asks.

Will pushes his chair near Brooklyn. I take her in my arms and hand her to Will.

'Yes, a happy family.'

'Yay' she claps with her tiny hands.


Linda left after a few hours. It was almost seven when she left. I am so happy today. The three of us are finally together. I don't want to think about the future. I want to stay here in this moment.
We were so happy that Brooklyn was back, we ordered a huge pizza for dinner. Brooklyn never had pizza. She was used to having veggies and soups for meals. Well, keeping her healthy won't be a problem for me then. Phew.

We stayed up till midnight talking to Brooklyn and getting to know her. She loves reading! I am so happy. She never had many friends back in Santa Luciana. Those bastards used to bully my little angel! I am going to sue Santa Luciana State School.

Brooklyn has a bad cold. She starts coughing so I get up to bring her a glass of water. I come back to find Brooklyn asleep in Will's arms who is asleep as well. I quickly snap a picture of them. Two of my angels.


It's been four months. Will doesn't require the wheelchair anymore. Dr. McDean said he is getting better day by day. If his recovery continues like this soon in a few months he will be declared NEC.

Brooklyn now goes to a better school here in neighborhood. Will and I are now going to the office regularly. Our daily routine is like any other family. I get up at six and make coffee and work on my office papers. Will and Brooklyn get up at eight. He insists me on waking him up at seven. But I don't do that. He needs sleep. Brooklyn gets ready for school at eight-thirty. We all have breakfast together. All of us get in the car. Will drives Brooklyn to school and then we get off at the office. At our breaks, either Will or I go to get Brooklyn from school. Next week we are getting a dog. Brooklyn and I want a Retriever. Will wants a Doberman. Typical Will Matthew. We all settled at getting a Saint Bernard.

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