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One bed!

"We were supposed to live in the 'now' but I had no idea it would happen this fast" I mumble to myself.

Will raises his eyebrows.

'What did you say?'


'Tell me.' He grins and gets up from the bed and takes a step towards me.

'I didn't say anything!' I smile.

'Yes, you did!' He takes my hand and spins me around and traps me in an embrace.

'I didn't.' I giggle.

He loosens the grip and I turn around to face him. He is looking into my eyes.

Before we know, we are making out aggressively. My breathing fastens. He kisses my neck and I push him back. He falls onto the bed.

"Hey! We thought we were gonna 'live in the now'. But now you are being all prissy!" He jokingly accuses.

I flash a devilish smile.

'Yeah I need to go call, Zoe once. She texted me to call her once we checked into the hotel.' I don't wait for his response. I head out on to the balcony.

I put the phone over my ears. It's ringing.

'Hello? Anna? ' A deep English accent booms from the other side.

'James! Yeah I called to let you guys know that I checked into the hotel. I will be back by six a.m. tomorrow morning.'

'Yeah! Okay. Okay. Be careful Ann. I love you.'

My heart sinks. I cannot bring myself to say those three words back to him.

'Yeah. Okay. Bye.'

'Bye.' His responds emotionlessly .

The line goes dead.

I take the phone off my ear and realize I have been crying. I take a deep breath and break into a sob. I am such a horrible person. I am hurting someone who loves me. I feel so awful.

'Ann? Could you come here a moment?' Will calls from the room.

I inhale a deep long breath to regain my composure. I wipe my tears and walk into the suite.
The lights are turned off. Only the fairy lights hung across the room glow, slightly illuminating the room.

I turn to see Will. He is standing next to a speaker, I believe. The speaker pings and music starts pouring out. It took me awhile to figure out the song. Its the song that played at our senior prom! It was our last dance! I remember my blue glittering dress and Will wearing his black tux.

'Its our song!' I mumble to myself.

Will walks into the middle of the room and draws out his hand. I take a step towards him. He bends down a little like a bow. I chuckle and hold the length of my dress and bow too. I put my hand in his and he pulls me closer to him. Soon, we are waltzing around as the Jason Mraz song fills the room. It feels like we are back to simpler times. When it was just him and me against the world. No sneaking around like this, just being ourselves.

It's like Will heard what I was thinking, 'It's nice isn't it? No Linda, no James. Just us, being us.'

I look up at him and nod. As the song reaches towards its end and our steps slow, I rest my head on his chest and he holds me tighter.

I look up at him. We are both breathing heavily. It seems like we are two different poles of a magnet. No matter what happens we always find our way back to each other. His head moves closer to mine. Our lips brush. The gentle touch of his lips is all it takes to ignite a burn under my skin. His hand moves up to my face to tuck my hair behind my ear.
Soon the kisses become more passionate as his tongue glides into my mouth. Taking in every inch of my being all to himself.

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