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He wears a blue suit paired with a white shirt and blue trousers.

'Honey Will is here to see you' James enters the room with a plate on which there are two pieces of sausage, two pieces of buttered bread, an omelette and my usual earl grey tea.

Some people drink coffee but not me. I think coffee just messes with my head. Tea is what stimulates my mind and also it keeps me in good shape without interfering with my health. But tea is not something that I want to think about right now because I have a bigger problem on hand. WILL FREAKING MATTHEW IS IN MY HOUSE! HELL, HE IS IN MY BEDROOM!

James sets the plate full of breakfast on the nightstand and helps me up. I glance at the door, Will is leaning against the wall with a pained look in his eyes. Our eyes meet and we immediately look away. I turn my gaze to James who is trying to balance a hot mug of tea on one hand and a huge plate full of food on the other. He hands me my tea first. I take a sip of it cautiously to not choke over another beverage like I did the last time at that café with Will.

Finally after a long awkward silence and the sound of china clattering, Will clears his throat.

'Anna is so lucky to have a boss like you who cares so much about her!' James thanks Will and aggressively shakes his hand but of course in a very nice way.

'Well.. um.... Anna is a very hardworking lady. It's quite the opposite really, I am lucky to have such a hard working employee on my team' Will smiles.

They both are smiling at me. I feel like it's now my turn to say something. I have no clue what to talk about.

'So, Will is it fine if I don't come in today? Its my second day at work today. I kind of feel like I should.' I ask.

'No. No. No. Have you any idea how weak you are right now? You need rest. When you are all well you may join.' Will answers.

'Will's right!' James chimes in.

'So I'll let you guys talk. I need to go take care of a mess I made in the kitchen' James chuckles sheepishly and darts off from the room.

'Don't throw the towels in the wash! They need to be washed by hand!' I call out.

'Okay!' James calls back.

Will walks to me and plops down facing me on the springy mattress.

'About last night-' he begins awkwardly.

'-I am sorry. I did not mean to over step. I had no idea you are gonna get married' he says softly.

'Who told you?' I ask curiously.

'Amelia did' He replies.

Darn it!

'Oh' I have nothing more to say.

He sits up a little and takes out an embroidered piece of cloth from his trouser pocket and sets it on my lap. Its my lucky handkerchief!

'You dropped it in my car last night' Will explains.

'Thank you' I say and I couldn't help myself so I gave him a little peck on the cheeks. His face flushed a tone of pink. I giggle seeing his condition.

'See you still want me!' Will smirks.

I swat at his shoulder playfully. 'I don't!'

'Where's your sickness now huh?' Will jokingly accuses.

I laugh, 'Its still there'

'Why did you have that panic attack anyway?' His tone is now serious.

My eyes immediately well up with tears as I have flashbacks from that horrible night.

I take a sharp breath and sniffle. My head falls.

'What's wrong Ann?' Will asks lowering his head, trying to look at me.

I look up and the name just rolls off my tongue.
'Its Brooklyn' My voice breaks and I break into a full on sob.

Will looks taken aback at the name.
'Ahem. Ahem' Its James standing at the doorway.

'What's going on?' He asks. Just as once his glance falls at my tear stained red face, he rushes over to me and grips onto my shoulders tightly.

'Hey, its okay. I am here' he says softly and reassuringly.

He looks up at Will. 'Man, I am sorry but you need to leave' he points at the doorway.

'I was trying to pacify her' Will agrues.

'Can't you see it's not working? With all due respect Mr. Matthew you seriously need to leave.'

Will sighs in defeat and walks out the bedroom door and out the apartment.

After a long pacification session. I lean onto my pillow and turn on the Television.

Ding. Ding. My phone vibrates. Its a text from Will.

Tomorrow seven a.m sharp. Be ready. Will be here to pick you up. Don't ask any questions. Its a surprise.

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