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'Linda, Will called you. I think you should go check if he needs something or not.' Amelia tells her.

Linda nods and leaves. Amelia steps out and slowly closes the door behind her.

'I am so sorry Anna. Will told me everything about you two. I am sorry I couldn't keep Linda from coming to see Will.' She apologizes to me.

Wow Amelia too?

'Its okay, no problem. Linda has been in Will's life for a long time now.'
I smile.

'But you-'

'Its okay!' I interrupt.


'Yeah!' I smile.

'But I need to tell you something. Wait a second.'

She opens the door and slides in. After a minute she is back. A bunch of keys dangle from her index finger.

'Lets go. We can't talk here.'

'But Will-'

'He will be fine.' She tells me.


'I need to tell you what actually happened.'

We are sitting at a café near Amelia's place.

I nod.

'After you guys returned from Santa Luciana, Will fell ill. He didn't tell Linda about it. Linda figured out that there was something going on so they had a fight and she threw him out. He was staying at a motel for the night. His health deteriorated so he needed a higher dosage of his pill. So, he went to this pharmacy to get them. But he didn't have it in him to return back to the motel and he knew my house was near by. So he decided to crash here for the night. But then he started throwing up. Blah blah blah. I called you and the rest you know.'

I am getting worried about Will. He needs to go see a doctor.

'Linda called me, because she knew he would be here. I couldn't stop her from coming here. She said she would file a complaint against me for keeping Will at my house against his wishes. Plus, she told me she knows about you and Will.' Amelia finally finishes explaining all this and sighs.

'Wow! That's a lot!'

'Yeah it is.'

'I have one question though, did Will tell you about us? Or-'

'No,no. Will told me. By the time Linda called me I knew everything.'

We finally reached Amelia's. She opens the door and Linda stands infront of us with her hands crossed, looking at us like she is going to gobble the two of us.

'Lyn? What's up?' Amelia asks.

"What's up' is that you two were out having fun while you left me here all alone with poor Will!'

'Did he throw up again?'


'Did he have temperature again?'




'Then?' Amelia and I both ask this time in unison.

'Nothing happened.' Linda tells us.

'So what's wrong actually?'

'Ugh! I am leaving! TTYL! YOU BOTH ARE BIMBOS!'

She slings her bag over her shoulder and the door shuts close.

Amelia and I almost fall onto the floor laughing.

'Did. She. Just. Call. Us. Bimbos?' I say in between laughs.


I peek through the door of the room where Will is. He is asleep. I don't want to wake him. I smile to myself and leave. Its almost eight-thirty when I reach home.

Zoe opens the door to let me in. At the dinner table James asks me about my day. I tell him about what I did at the office today. Just that. Nothing else.

Before going to bed, I quickly text Amelia to ask how Will's doing. She instantly responds saying that he is doing great. He can get up and walk around properly now. He will be back at the office tomorrow.

I lay my head onto the pillow beside James who is sitting up and working on something on his laptop.

'What are you doing baby?' I ask.

'Just getting the files in order before tomorrow's meeting.' He replies not looking away from the illuminated laptop screen.

'Oh. Well. I am free tomorrow for the dress fitting. I could text your mother in the morning.' I don't even know why I said that. Is it because I have feelings for James. But I thought I figured it out. I love Will. Right? Ugh! I don't even know what I am doing!

'What? Really?' He exclaims with happiness and leans against the headboard to plant a kiss on my lips. I deepen the kiss and now we are making out. Why am I doing this? This time I don't see Will when I look at James. Will is not at the back of my mind. God am I cheating them both? I feel like such a bitch.


The alarm clock rings. I jump up from the bed while James sleeps soundly on it. I leave a cup of coffee on the counter for James before I am out the door.

Today is fifteenth of October. Five days till the wedding. I suddenly feel happy thinking about it. Ugh! I wanna tear off all my hair on my head. I am so angry at myself. I enter the working space. I don't see Amelia anywhere. Will must have given her a day off. I drop my bag on my desk and plop down on the chair. I text Mrs. Holden that I am free today after two. Today is my half day. I am drowning in paperwork after a few hours.

Ring. Ring. My phone rings. Its Will. I glance at his office he waves at me. I wave back.

'Hi.' I talk into the phone.

'Hey, Could you come in here for a minute?'

His voice seems weird. He was sick for two days, that must be why.

'Okay. Wait.' I whisper into the phone.

Minutes later I walk into his office. He backs me in a corner and starts kissing me.

'You. Seem. Jolly.' I say to him in between kisses. He doesn't respond. He keeps on kissing me. His hands travel to my waist and he pulls me up and I wrap my legs around his torso. Our lips don't part. I suddenly feel something watery on my cheeks. At first, I think maybe I am crying because of the whole confusion in my head regarding James and Will. Then I realize it isn't me. It's Will.

Why is he crying? Did something happen between him and Linda? I stop kissing him.

'Please Anna.' He begs and my heartbreaks into a million pieces. We keep on kissing until I feel I need to stop and ask him what's going on.

'Will. Talk. To. Me.' I tell him in between kisses. He finally stops kissing me.

'Anna, you wanna go somewhere?'


We are sitting at the same coffee shop where he took me when we first met each other on the streets. He seems awfully quiet. I check my watch, it's ten 'o' clock. I still have time till Mrs. Holden comes at my office to get me. God that makes me even more anxious.

'Anna I need to tell you something.'

'What is it?'


Moments later I am making a run to catch a cab to get home as fast as I can. I knock frantically on the door. James opens the door and I collapse into his arms crying.

'James, He- he- he is dying!'

James talks into my hair while rubbing my back, 'I know baby. Linda told me everything. I am so sorry Anna.'

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