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"-- woah! you ranked at your college? That is so cool!" Will exclaims nearly breaking the china by banging it on the glass table. The loud clanking acquires attention of the other busboys and customers. Disgusted and worried stares surround us and I look back apologetically.

He lightly smacks the back of my hand to get my attention back to him, "But Anna, it's been what? almost 10 years since high school ended and you didn't even call me once". Suddenly I break into a hysteric fit of coughs as I almost choke on my hot chocolate. He takes the cup from my grip and sets it onto the plate and hands me a tissue. Recovering from jolts of painful flashbacks I look up at him, he has a pained expression on his face. When it gets too obvious that I was analysing him, he smiles back at me to hide his hurt. I finally answered his question diplomatically, "Yeah life came at me so fast I had no time to sit down and enjoy a cup of tea, let alone talk to my friends". Lies the voice inside my head chimes in. 

"oh-" after a long deafening silence, Will says reassuringly "Now that I am here you, Ms.Hart are going to have the time of your life". I react with a long cautious chuckle. God knows what's coming next. With a squeak of the wooden chair he gets up and lowers his upper body as if in a bow and says with a deep voice, "Your chariot awaits m'lady!". I let out a small giggle as it felt like my heart skipped a beat.

'M'lady' caught me off guard as the word rang in my ears. It felt like I had transported back to that night, us at the backseat of his mustang, his hands in my hair as he whispered those three words to me.
I. Love. You.
"- Anna?" Will waves his hand infront of my face to break this haze. "Are you okay? You have been zoning in and out of our conversations a lot" and it hits me. I realize immediately that how weird I have been acting since I first met him today on the street, this can't be good. I need to go home.
"I need to go home" I swing my bag over my shoulder and hurriedly walk out. He stands there for a moment processing what had just happened. When I had crossed the street I could see him from a distance as he runs out of the shop and looks around. Only I am no where to be found. I breathe a sigh of relief as I keep on walking.
This was officially the worst date ever.
The voice inside my head comments.
No. No. No. This was not a date! This was rather a casual meet up with an old friend.
A friend? The boy with whom you supposedly have had a steamy history is now a friend?
Yes absolutely. He is just a friend. I tell myself. Besides, I am going to get married next month so rekindling old romance is definitely not on my list. The only romance I want to continue is with James.

I can't keep on replaying old memories in my head that is no longer relevant in my life. I don't want anything to do with Will anymore. I never want to meet him again as long as I live. 

For the longest time in my life I am happy, no one can take it away from me. Not William Matthew, not my past. Definitely not my past.


'Its not Will you dumbo! It's me, Zoe!'. Huh?. I turn around to see Zoe Holden, James's sister. Zoe is exceptionally good looking, she has a big afro and she is blessed with one of the most beautiful pair of big eyes, she has the perfect height and a well maintained skinny body. She could model for any high class designer but she took up photography as her career instead.

'Was I thinking out loud?' I ask worriedly.

'Yeah you were Ann' she chuckles.

'Who's Will anyway?' Her brows slowly furrow.

I cough and reply, 'An old friend, I never want to meet again'. I huff.

'Oh! now I get it! an old friend with shady history am I right?' 

I sigh quietly, 'Yeah!'

'Ugh, I have had those! Never wanna meet 'em again.'

I nod as if she understands what is actually going on.

'You wanna have some hot cocoa? I heard there's this amazing cafe down on Moore Avenue! They just opened for business!' Zoe chatters excitedly.

Uh oh. If I go there again I might come face to face with Will again. No way am I letting that happen. 'No, I am quite full actually, I ate a cheeseburger after the interview. If you wanna have then I'll just wait here why don't you go and place a take away order. Then, we could both have it when we reach home' I suggest.

Zoe nods her head and quickly runs down to the store. Since I have to wait, I take out my phone from my bag and start scrolling through instagram. My phone suddenly pings up with a notification.



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