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I push the huge glass doors and enter the school building. FIRST DAY OF SENIOR YEAR! I AM ECSTATIC!
'Ann! Over here!' Allie calls out to me from her locker. I smile and run to her. She gives me a tight hug and says, 'Oh I missed you!'
'Me too!' I reply.
'Ann guess what?' Allie is doing her jazz hands. Must be something really huge she wants to tell me.
'What?' My voice has gone high. I cannot contain my excitement.
'Our lockers are by each other!' She squeals.
I squeal too.
'Woah Woah Woah! Did I hear a squeal? Whats the big excitement all about?' Its Will. He comes over and wraps his arms around me. I turn around to face him.
'Hi Annie Bunny, how are you doing today?'He asks sweetly.
'I am fine now that my locker is just beside Allie and I have seen your face today, how are you MVP?' I ask him.
'Not great' He mumbles with his head hanging low.
I am now concerned. I take his face in my hands and ask,'What happened?'
He looks at me for a while and says, 'I haven't kissed you yet!'. His frown immediately turns to a smirk and I swat at his shoulder. He is still holding me. I kiss him and that kiss turns into an almost make out session.
'Get a room Love Birds!' I hear two voices.
We break apart a minute later taking our time. I look around to see Allie and her boyfriend Adam standing there grinning at us.
'What are you laughing at?' Will asks.
'Nothing. Just that without us you guys still would have been awkward best friends trying to hide their feelings for each other' Adam says proudly.
'Yeah you guys should be the thanking us' Allie adds.
I laugh, 'Okay Okay! I know what you mean Allie, We'll go out for milkshake today, My treat!'
Allie squeals and hugs me. 'You know I love you so much!'
'I know.' I smile.
Will taps on my shoulder and I turn around.
'Anna I wanted to give something to you, I have been meaning to for a while now and-' He pauses and takes off his Varsity Letterman Jacket. He swings it over my shoulders. It smells just like him. Cologne and detergent.
'-Well I thought maybe I'd give it to you um-' He is rubbing the back of his neck and sheepishly smiling at me.
'You know I am not that great at expressing my feelings but all I wanna say to you is-' Will is interrupted by two giggling juniors who walk past us murmuring, 'Isn't he that senior jock who cheated on his girlfriend with Serena Stone?' Will's face turns white. I try to ignore them and reassuringly smile at Will.
Allie loses her temper right at that fraction of a second on hearing Serena's name. 'Move your dumb wannabe asses Bitches!' She literally yells out in the hallway. They glare back at her and keep on walking. Allie turns around to face me, 'Can you believe those snotty ass byotches!'
'Hhm. Hhm. Miss Moore, I believe this school has taught you better than to acknowledge your juniors as I may quote you directly,'Snotty ass byotches' or even so yell offensive languages in the hallway!' Principal Avone bitterly remarks. Allie turns around and it seems like the color has drained from her face. I stand by my best friend and complain back, 'They were fueling the latest rumors about Will, and Ms. Avone don't you remember what happened last time when Serena had made up that shameful rumor about you and Coach Arnold?' I say as sweetly as possible. My sweetness has poison laced with it that Ms. Avone was quick to notice. She opens her mouth to fire back at me with something witty enough but boy did I out-wit her!
'Since Ms. Moore has a strong academic record I shall over look this misbehavior. But if I ever hear her using offensive languages inside school campus I suggest you to clear your schedule that day as you would be spending your afternoon scraping gum off the gym bleachers!.' Ms. Avone huffs and walks away.
'Thanks Ann!' Allie says.
I turn to Will, 'What were you gonna say?' I ask eagerly. I have been yearning to hear those three words from him.
Ring. Ring. The period bell rings.
'I have class see you later' Will hurriedly bids me goodbye and scrambles off to class.
Suddenly everything moves so fast around me. I am suddenly back in Will's car. He whispers in my ear, 'You want me don't you?'.
I am again shot back in time to the worst moments in my life where he is thrashing his room breaking things and I am yelling at him. He yells back, 'Have you ever heard of abortion?!'
I can't breathe. I sit up. I struggle to catch my breath for awhile. My t-shirt is soaked in my sweat. I was dreaming!

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