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'You're At Santa Luciana with that nutjob of a CEO? What were you even thinking!' Zoe yells through the phone.

'I- um-' I stammer.

'James is worried sick! Do you even know what time it is?'

Jeez Zoe! Never knew you were so against me being my own person.

But of course I don't say this. I quickly check the time. What the actual fuck! How is it nine p.m.!
Didn't we just get here?

'I am so sorry! I did not know it had gotten this late! I just got stuck with some work. I tried texting you but there is no network here.' I lamely blurt out an excuse without even thinking it through.

'Work? At Santa Luciana? That hick town?' Zoe sarcastically asks.

I have nothing. So, I think it's better to stay silent.

'Hello? Ann? You there? Give the phone to Will! Right this second!' Zoe is back to yelling at me.

'Okay, here.'

I walk into the parlor and whisper into Will's ears, 'It's Zoe! My future sister-in-law! She says she needs to talk to you. Please give a better excuse.'
The color from Will's face completely drains.
This is great! Hah! I am done for!

He takes the phone and places it over his ear.

'What the fuck are you trying to do Mr. Matthew?' Zoe literally screams through the phone speaker that almost scares Will, to the extent he might literally shit his pants!

'I- um-'

'Thought so!' Zoe sarcastically remarks.

'We had a meeting with this really old writer living in Santa Luciana, he had submitted his extremely compelling manuscript about his life as an ex-military man and now a farmer. We told him we'd get back to him after our other departments have agreed to print it, this morning I received the mail of affirmation so, I thought why not surprise the old man!' Will lies through his teeth.

'So far a great story Mr. Matthew! Now how do you explain how my dear sister-in-law got roped into this hookum of yours!'

'She was actually the one who read the manuscript and then made me believe in it's potential! Its only fitting of her to accompany me! Isn't it Miss Holden?'

'Well then could you try and explain how Ann, who had gone out shopping with Amelia, who is your assistant of course, suddenly have a meet up with you?' Zoe cross questions.

'Miss Holden, are you aware of emails? Electronic Mails? Or maybe phone calls? That I did. I called up Miss. Hart and also sent her and Amelia an email enclosing the details of this small business trip. It was fortunate that when I called her she was inside my office getting a few of her files from her desk.'

'Okay enough of this charade! Where are you two? I am coming to pick Ann up.' Zoe announces.

'Oh that will be of no need! Santa Luciana is a small but well to do town. Plus, this town has one road to reach back to the city which closes at seven p.m. sharp. So we may return tomorrow morning. But I promise you, I will not allow a harm on your dear sister-in-law's head. She shall be there at your apartment by six 'o' clock in the morning.'

Wait, spend the night! In this town? Oh god no!

'Put it on speaker.' I mouth to Will.

He takes the phone off his ear and puts it on speaker.

'Uh-um-' then zoe grumbles something which I am assuming is not something very nice.

'It's okay. Zoe don't be such a pain in the arse. It's a business trip! You know I always think that career should be your number one priority even when it comes to family.'
It's James.

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