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I sit emotionlessly on the edge of my bed at my apartment. The scene plays in my head repeatedly.


'Anna I need to tell you something.'

'Yeah. What is it?'

'I had been falling sick very often. Even before I was posted here. Back in Boston, where I used to work at the other branch of Hilltop Publishing Centre, I used to go see a doctor every month for my sudden sicknesses. He couldn't find anything so, he told me to come here. In New York. He gave me the details of this doctor. I applied for a different posting at New York. I had been seeing him for a while. Before we left for Santa Luciana, he ran some tests and told me to wait for a few days until the results get back. Last day, I went to see him again for a checkup.' his voice starts breaking.

'He told me the results are back. He said it's bad news.' Now he is sobbing.

I already know what's coming. I clutch onto his arm. I am crying too. 'I am dying Annie. I am dying.' He tells me. I am broken. I cannot even process anything let alone talk. 'But if you stay beside me like this, I'll survive. I know I will.'

I nod.

'Tell me you will never leave me.'

'I won't ever.'


We are back in the office. I don't even bother looking up from my desk because people will react when they will see me like this. A smudged face full of make up. I look like a ghost. But I don't care. It's two. I quickly wrap up and glance at Will, who is looking out from his window robotically.

'Stay with me.' His voice plays in my head. I again start crying. I run to catch a cab to get home as soon as possible.


"What do you mean 'Calm down'! " Mrs. Holden's yelling breaks me off from my chain of painful thoughts.

'Mum, please stop over-reacting! The poor girl's in there, crying her eyes out!' James yells back at his mother.

'You two are breaking off your engagement! The wedding is in five days! Have you lost your bloody mind that you are telling her not to over-react!' Zoe retorts at James.

'Could you stop being a bitch right now Zoe!' James yells.

Things quiet down for a moment. Until, Zoe bursts into the room.

'Please tell me none of this, what I am hearing is true!'

'It is.' I tell her. My crying has broken my voice.

She sits down beside me on the edge of the bed. I hug and cry onto her shoulder.

'Anna, I am so sorry.' She whispers into my ears.

'Well, well, well! I always knew you were a snake! But this! Cheating on my poor son, with an other man! That is just low!' It's Mrs. Holden. I clutch onto Zoe as I start crying harder.

'Mumma! Are you crazy! Please stop!' Zoe tells her. I can tell she is crying too.

'My Son's generous enough to keep you in this expensive apartment! Wasting his money every month over you. You filthy-' Mrs. Holden continues.

'Mum!' James roars. Mrs. Holden stops abruptly.

'I think you need to go.' Zoe tells her.

'You two are throwing me out because of this piece of garbage! I will remember this!' The doors of my room and my apartment slam shut.

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