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Suddenly it feels like the earth has stopped revolving. Will and I stand there staring at each other. I feel my face burning up. 

'Anna? Is everything alright?' Amelia's voice rings in front of my ears.

'Yeah everything's fine!' I say a little too loudly.

'Okay-' There was a long pause. 

'So, meet our CEO, Mr. William Matthew' She holds my hand and leads me towards him.

'No need for an introduction Amelia, we know each other since high school' Will laughs.

I don't quite know what to say to that. The fact that he said we know each other  brought me relief.

'Anna could you come to my office for a second, we need to get the paper work done' Will says rather awkwardly.


OOOOH I THINK WE'RE IN FOR SOME DRAMA! DON'T MESS IT UP! the voice inside my head comments. I know better than to indulge in my own ridiculous thoughts. I am here to intern I am going to do my job. Besides I am going to work here for just a year. After that, Will will again become a stranger and I, by that time will be married to James with three kids living a happy life.


Will leads the way to his office. Couldn't the paper work be done later?

He opens the glass door to his office, the first thing I see is his messy table. I stare at the table for a little too long.

'Ah you know me, always messy' He chuckles awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck.

I force a small smile at him. 

'Any way how are you doing since you ditched me at the cafe and ran away?' I sense bitterness in his tone.

'Will-' I sigh and continue, 'I am here to intern and I seriously don't want to talk about this here'

Will sighs. He seems hurt. I feel bad.

He slams the papers on the table and says harshly, 'Finish filling this up and leave'

His gaze doesn't meet mine. He looks out the huge glass window that acts as a wall while I fill up the paper work.
His behavior hurt me in a way I can't explain. I feel tears welling up. My lips have started to tremble. I take few loud short breaths. Will hears me sniffing and turns around.

'Anna? Are you crying?' He seems concerned.

I quickly wipe off the tears from my cheeks.
He sits across me on his desk and takes my hand and caresses it.
He almost whispers, 'Annie look at me.'
He hasn't called me Annie since High School. My heart skips a small beat.

I look up at him. He gets up from his chair and stands in front of me.
I quickly sign the paper and get up to leave.

'Anna, you are not done yet until you tell me what's going on. Did I say anything wrong?' He asks very politely.

I don't know why I cried. When I don't answer he takes my face in his hands. A jolt of familiar feeling seems to be flowing through my veins.
He is looking directly into my eyes. Time has stopped again and I am numb. I cannot move. I can't stop myself my old habits take over my breathing has picked up pace. I could almost feel as if our heart beats have syncopated with each other. My face is an inch away from his. Our noses touch.

Ring. Ring. Ring. The telephone on his desk rings to break our haze. It seems like our consciousness has regained and we are back to being all awkward and hostile to each other.

He picks up the call on the fifth ring and what he says next somehow shatters my heart into a million pieces.

'Yes baby, I know. I'll be late today. Baby please understand today I have a lot of work here. Okay we'll postpone the date tomorrow. I promise I'll be back by 5 tomorrow. Okay baby. Love you more.'

Oh no!

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