Chapter 5

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3rd person pov

"Father?" taehyung said with fear in his eyes, his father start to make steps towards him with an emotionless face and said. "If you think that you can tell the secret that I am hiding more than 2 months you are very very stupid. If you want, try to say anything and then-" he said and point a gun towards him, "Then you and my wife will be dead. Do you understand what I mean?." Taehyung start to crying very hard and say" Why you do that, why you selling drugs, don't you love us, you want to hurt us WHY? he shout, then his father start to laughing like a maniac"hahahhahah you are so innocent Taehyung so so innocent that you don't understand what people can do for money. All I did was for money money, I never loved you or your eomma is was all a part of my plan",he said with a smirk. "And if you want your mother to live then you will do what I say" he said.

"Please don't do that you are not like that you won't hurt us you LOVE US" tae said still crying. Then taehyung's father shoot on the air and tae now start to shaking. "If you don't do what I say then the other one will go too you." Taehyung nodded his head because of fear. "Y-y-es-s f-f-ather I do wh-at y-ou s-say" he said,"Good boy now hear what you have to do" his father said.


"Now you understand what you have to do?" his father ask and tae answer "Yes father I understand but why I have to sell drugs on my school, the students there is very good and what if someone see me and tell the police?","Don't be stupid Taehyung the half of your class take drugs and some students for other class too and if someone try to tell the police then kill him" he said with cold eyes. Then tae start to shaking in fear again "B-b-u-ut father i-I never k-k-illed someone and I don't know h-how t-to do that" said, "Don't worry the students in your school are addicted to drugs so they won't say anything now go to your room and don't even think to run away or you know what happens" his father said. "Yes father I know" tae said with teary eyes and went out of his father's office.

When taehyung went to his room he layed on his bed and said to himself 'my friends were right they are bad people but now I can't do anything to stop him he will hurt me and my mother' and start to cry again.

2 hours past and tae still crying then he heard a knock on the door and said "come in". Then the door openned and his eomma came inside with a worried face"Honey what happened why are you crying did someone did something to you do you want me to talk to him? "his eomma said," No no eomma I am fine I just take 13 on maths test that's all", "Are you sure honey that's everything OK?", "Yes eomma everything is good don't worry", "OK then honey the dinner is ready come with me on the dining room", "Okey eomma" tae said and went downstairs.


Taehyung and his parents end the food and tae said to them that he will go to his room to sleep because he doesn't want to be late for school and went upstairs. The only think that they didn't know that tae didn't went to his room and heard their conversation.

"He knows everything he went to my office and saw the drugs" his father said and his eomma widened her eyes "What, omg my poor Taetae that's was the reason you were crying" she said, "I don't care, if he don't do what I say then I kill him" he said with cold voice, "No no please leave him out of this he is innocent he doesn't deserve that he is a child" his eomma start to cry, "Shut up you slut" he said and slapped her, she doesn't stop to cry and said "Please to whatever you want but please please leave him out of this" she pleased but his father slapped her again even harder and shout "SHUT UP AND GO TO THE BEDROOM FOR YOUR PUNISHMENT" he said and his eomma run to their bedroom crying.

Teahyung crying too without knowing he was mad at his eomma because he didn't tell him about this but in the other side he felt pity for her because she tried to protect him with cost her personal health.After that he went to his room and slept while crying his eyes out.


Three days past when taehyung knew about his father and start selling drugs to his classmates because if we didn't then his father will hurt, him and his eomma and he doesn't want that so he did what his father said. Now tae is at school is lunch time and he went to give some drugs to one of his classmates.

"Here you are. The drugs that you ask in this small black bag","Thanks taehyung, here are the money your father ask for" but for taehyung's bad luck in that moment a police officer saw the two guys to exchange the drugs and the money and run there. He grabbed taehyung's wist and said with an angry face "So you are the drug dealer is time for you to go to jail you bastard", and with that he dragged him to the car the other guy run away and save his ass.


When they arrived and jail they went to the leader of the police and he said "So a kid is the drug dealer we research for 2 months?" then tae Start to cry even harder than before "No no no is not me is my father he forced my to sell drugs and he said if I didn't he will kill me I am telling the truth" he said with tears in his beautiful eyes. " Yeah yeah whatever you said now You take him to his cell" the leader said and an other one dragged tae to a small cell. It was only for one person so it was small. Taehyung start to shout "It wasn't me it was my father my father I am innocent ", "Shut up kid if you don't want to die" a prisoner said with angry voice, "I am sorry" taehyung said with a low tone so he can't hear him and then tae start to cry again and after some time he slept.


It was afternoon and taehyung's parents was seeing news but what they heard made their mouths drop. "The police find the drug dealer, and put him in jail we talking about a student 19 years old his name is Kim Taehyung and he will be in jail for the next 10 years" the news man said. After tae's eomma heard that she fell on the floor crying she's eyes out and said to tae's father "Bring him back Now" she shout, "Hahaha you think I care is good that he is on jail for me now I can leave in abroad to sell my drugs there too" he said and go upstairs he packed his things and went again downstairs. "if you don't bring him back then I call the police and say that you are the drug dealer and not taehyung" she shout, "oh no you not" he said and shoot her with his gun and after that left leaving a dead body on the living room.

From the next chapters jungkook and tae will be in the same chapter. What will happened when they met will jungkook love tae?

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