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•Willow's POV•

Slowly opening my eyes I notice everything's dark just the glowing light from the dashboard. I notice Hotch's suit jacket was placed over me. It smelled just like him and was kinda calming if I'm honest.

I raise my head and sit up. Wiping my eyes he glances over at me then back at the road.


"Hi." I reply, covering my mouth as I yawn.

"How long was I out?" I say while glancing at the clock.

"Several hours." He says while taking an exit off the highway.


I place the suit jacket over my arms and chest.

"How much longer?" I ask.

He glances at the clock.

"Seven hours maybe. Depends on traffic and gas."

He goes down a main road for a few minutes then takes a right off a countryside road. He speeds up while going down the road for about a mile.

"What're you doing?" I ask.

"They're following us." He says as he flicks the headlights off and quickly backs into a path in a cornfield.

I sit up and switch positions in my seat. My heart begins to race, we were now surrounded by cornfields in the dark in god knows what state.


He looks over at me, I could barely see him.

"What vehicle and how long were they following us?"

He turns the car off just as a car passes on the road a few hundred yards ahead of us.

"Black SUV, not the ones we use."

I look out the back window.

"How long have they been following us?"

"Roughly 30 minutes." He says, just then the SUV he was talking about passes.

"What the fuck." I mumble.

He goes to start the car again but I stop him, quickly grabbing his hand and pushing it away from the keys.

"We should wait a few minutes. Just in case." I say nervously.

He looks at me for a moment then down at our hands. That's when I realize I was still gripping his hand, I immediately let go and sit back in my seat.

We sit there in silence for a few minutes. Crickets chirped outside along with the wind passing through. I could hear each breath we both took, along with the annoying ringing in my ears.

Without saying anything he quickly gets out of the car.

"Hotch?" I ask before he shuts the door.

I watch in the rear view mirror as he walks to the back end of the car. I turn around and look out the back window but it was too dark to see where he went.

I sit there for a few minutes confused and annoyed. Picking up my phone I check the time, it was nearing 11pm.

I look out the back window again then the side mirror. I couldn't see anything except for what the moon light offered to show.

I hesitate before opening the door and stepping out. The air was cool against any exposed skin. I grab his suit jacket and place it over my shoulders, in attempt to block the cool air. I close the door then look around. It was darker than I thought. Cornfields surrounded all around.

I hesitantly walk towards the back of the car.

"Hotch?" I call out.

No response. I call out again a little louder but still no response. I walk a few feet away from the car and look around.

Where the hell could he have gone?


I turn around and face away from the car and look down the path about 30 feet away see a faint figure. Right now would be a great time to have my gun.

"Hotch?" I call out slightly louder.

I quietly walk down the path. Whoever it was must have heard me because they turn around and face me. I was a few feet away when I stop realizing it is him.

"You okay?" I ask while glancing around.

He doesn't respond, instead he just looks at me. I could barely make out his face or the expression he was giving off.

"Hotch?" I ask again this time I look up at him.

"For the love of god stop calling me that." He says in a low tone almost sending shivers across my skin.

"Hotch, you know I'm not religious." I say in a sharp tone.

He steps closer towards me, cupping my cheek. My cheeks immediately heat up. I wanted to ask him what he was doing. I wanted to step back. I wanted to go back to the car. But I didn't. I stayed and I stepped closer towards him. I rest my hands along his belt line as he wraps his other around my waist. He pulls me closer. Our faces now less than an inch apart. Feeling his breath against my skin sends shivers across my body.

Our lips hesitantly touch before crashing against each other. I was caught off guard on how soft his lips were. As our lips move in sync all of my worries and stresses disappear. It was just the two of us in this exact moment. Nothing else.

As we slowly pull away and I could feel a smile form across his lips. I open my eyes and look up at him shocked.

"Aaron Hotchner is that- a smile?" I ask in a slight amused tone.

"I believe it is." His tone was low and husky which makes me blush even harder.

I smile and rest my forehead against his chest.

That smile. That was him.


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