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•Aaron's POV•

It was roughly 6 am. As I walk into the police station JJ hands me a cup of coffee. She begins explaining the new information they've found as we walk towards the room.

"Two more victims were found about two hours ago behind another motel, both are males and in their late 30's to early 40's." She explains.

I take a sip of the coffee and immediately could tell it wasn't made by Willow.

"Same victimology?" I ask.

She nods.

"Alright, get to the media. Warn the community about what's going on, see if anyone knows anything or seen anything unusual. Maybe they can tell us something we don't already know." I tell her.

She nods and pulls out her phone.

As she's making the call I head into the room we have set up. Emily was making a phone call in the corner, Reid was going over the locations on the bulletin board, Rossi and Morgan were going over the evidence and photos at the large table.

I go over to the table and start going through the photos. After about an hour of us going through all of the information and everything we have JJ comes back.

"Guys, we just got a call from an anonymous caller who believes they know who the UnSub is. Garcia's sending the address now." She says.

Immediately we all get up, grabbing our jackets as we leave.

"Is this the street?" I ask Morgan, who was sitting next to me in the SUV.

"Yeah, 334 mainwood." He replies while looking at his phone.

I turn down the street along with two other SUV's and a police cruiser. Quickly parking a few houses down, Morgan and I get out and immediately go to the back of the SUV to gear up. We strap on our vests, check our guns before heading over to Rossi and Emily's SUV where the rest of the team stood.

"Rossi, Reid, and Emily, go around back the rest of us will go through the front. Watch each others back while clearing." I say and immediately everyone nods.

As we walk towards the house my heart begins to race and my adrenaline begins to sky rocket. I drawl out my gun as we walk up the the steps onto the porch. I give a quick nod to Reid, Rossi, and Emily as they make their way around back. Morgan pounds on the door and announces himself while JJ and I position ourselves to enter.

"David Simmons! FBI!" He yells before kicking in the door.

"FBI!" I yell as we start clearing the house.

Photos of the crime scenes and victims were scattered throughout the house.

"CLEAR!" JJ yells as she clears a room.

"CLEAR!" Morgan yells.

After a few minutes we clear the entire house but one room that was upstairs at the end of the hall. I keep my gun close as we make our way down the hall. My heart raced faster as I open the door.

I immediately make a sharp right where the UnSub stood facing one of the windows.

"David Simmons, FBI! Show me your hands!" I yell.

He doesn't move or say anything. I take a few steps towards him, allowing JJ and Rossi to step into the room.

"It's over David! Show us your hands!" JJ commands.

He doesn't move for a moment.

I take a few steps closer towards him, suddenly he whips around, pulling a gun up and firing a shot. Immediately I jerk backwards and fall to the ground as JJ and Rossi fire several shots, hitting him in the abdomen. He falls backwards against the wall then to the floor. JJ rushes over and kicks the gun away from him as Rossi comes over to me. I scramble to check if I've been shot.

"You alright? Did you get hit?" He asks panicked as he looks over my body for any blood.

"I'm fine, it just grazed my vest." I say in relief as I show him the side of my vest where the bullet grazed.

I look over at JJ who was checking his pulse. She looks up and shakes her head no, which meant he didn't make it.

As Morgan, Emily, and a few other Officers fill the room I stand up and head towards the door. I walk down the steps then through the living room before going outside.

It felt strange not seeing Willow around. Usually she'd walk with me back to the SUV or she'd sit in the back of the trunk waiting for me. I take my vest off and place it in the the trunk.

We had about 30 minutes until we would land. Everyone was asleep except for Rossi who sat across from me at the table. He was reading one of his books and I was working on the paperwork for the case.

"So have you decided?" He asks.

"On what?" I respond while continuing to fill out the paper.

"Where you're taking her?"

I stop writing for a moment and look up.

"No. Not yet."

"Take her to the aquarium! she loves that place. Her, Henry, and I go there all the time." JJ shouts from the back of the jet.

"Take her to that Italian place I was telling you about." Rossi says.

"I don't think she likes Italian?" Emily says.

"How can one not- like- Italian?!" He says annoyed.

"Oo! What if you take her to that Philippine place in Woodbridge, it's a bit of a drive but I bet she'll love it!" Emily says.

"Oh, I've been there before! She'll definitely like that place." Morgan says, taking off his headphones.

"Orr! That Japanese place on Potomac Ave, we go there all the time! I swear she loves that place!" Emily says with a smile.

"Ooo- oo! Take her to that half coffee shop- half book store in Neabsco! We go there all the time especially if there's a sale!" Reid says excitedly as he sits up.

"Thanks for the suggestions, but I'd rather take her somewhere she hasn't been to with any of you." I respond.

"I just- need to figure out where." I sigh as I lean back in the seat.

Everything goes silent for a moment, besides the humming of the jet and the faint buzzing of the air vent.

"Well wherever you decided to take her I'm sure she'll love it." Emily says.


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