Chapter 2

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Ciel was shocked that the words came out of his mouth. He stared at the empty door way in a daze. Had he really just said that? Had it really been that easy to say it? How come he can't say it so easily to Elizabeth? He loved her, right? Ciel hadn't known that saying what he did was so easy. But Sebastian hadn't heard him. Something inside Ciel was hurting because he didn't. But another part of him was relieved he hadn't heard. Ciel shook his head and walked over to his mirror. He looked at his slim body and frowned. Sebastian would never go for him. He was small, slim, not muscle anywhere, short, weak... human. Ciel took off his eye patch and stared at his eye. It was still shadowed by his hair, but he could see enough to be happy. Nothing was welling inside him this time. He only felt happiness as he stared at it. The bond that him and Sebastian shared. Only them. The two of them bound together by something unbreakable. Ciel like the sound of it. Yet he knew he could never bring himself to say it so Sebastian's face. Ciel breathed deeply and walked over to his bed. Ciel thought about all the times Sebastian had stood there, looking at him as he awoke from his sleep. Ciel smiled a little and sat down. He could almost see himself sleeping there. He could see Sebastian in his place staring down at him. He liked Sebastian staring at him. Even if it was for just a second. Ciel held on to the hope. He turned and walked towards the door. He felt more happy about seeing Sebastian. He walked downstairs as if he felt nothing for his butler. He walked into the kitchen for the first time in a long time. He peaked in hoping that Sebastian would be here. He did see a bit of smoke clearing out of the kitchen. He heard Sebastian scolding Baldroy for using a flame thrower in the kitchen. Ciel sighed and pushed the door open, stopping their conversation. The smoke was cleared and Sebastian stared at Ciel in shock. Ciel loved that face. It made him look more attractive. Made him look more... Sebastian. Ciel felt that pang in his chest and heart. He knew what it was for so he didn't mind it anymore. He actually grew to love the feeling. Ciel stepped forward and looked at Baldroy.

"Leave, now." Ciel told him sternly.

Baldroy nodded and exited the kitchen. Sebastian regained our posture and looked at Ciel as the old professional Sebastian. Ciel sighed and looked at Sebastian. He caught his breath silently as he stared into those dark crimson eyes. He didn't look away, he stared deeply into them. Sebastian never looked away thinking nothing of it. His master was acting strange, but he didn't know why. Ciel had a dazed look in his eye and Sebastian started thinking about what it was about. He couldn't very well go in his mind and find all the answers. Ciel was the only one who repelled him. Ciel looked into his eyes deeply. He couldn't pull himself away from his gorgeous crimson eyes. Ciel wanted those eyes more than anything in the world. He couldn't care for Elizabeth's green eyes anymore. He never did actually. But now he had someone else to focus on. Ciel was going to say something but stopped. What was he going to say now that he had Sebastian alone. He could never be in the same room as someone he likes. When he had tiny crushes as a little boy he could never talk to them without acting stupid or giving it away. He couldn't do either of those. He had to remain the Earl who knew exactly what he was doing at all times. He also had to be the one who didn't fall in love with his butler. Ciel sighed. How was he going to come up with an excuse for going into the kitchen without a purpose, when all Ciel wanted to do was see Sebastian's perfect face. Ciel sighed and turned his back.

"I was just checking how my mansion was holding together. Seems you got everything under control so I will be on my way."

Ciel started towards the door with his chest hurting. Sebastian put his hand on Ciel's shoulder and turned him around. Ciel looked into his crimson eyes again and wanted to stare into them forever. Ciel traveled his eyes down to his lips and stared at them. He was hoping Sebastian didn't see him. Sebastian looked worried for his Master. He knew something was off, and he knew that Ciel knew what was wrong with him. Sebastian sighed and bent down so he was eye level with Ciel. Ciel's face went cherry red. As red as the eyes Ciel learned and instantly got attached to. Sebastian looked at Ciel and sighed. He stood up and took a step back to look at Ciel. Something was definitely wrong with him, not physically, not mentally, but emotionally. Sebastian gave Ciel one of his small smiles and Ciel felt calm, but more fluttery.

"Young Master, what ever is troubling you, I am always here to help you through it. I will do anything as long as it's the order from you." Sebastian smirked.

"If it's not from me you won't do it." Ciel told him.

Sebastian took his fore finger and his thumb and took Ciel's chin and made him look into his eyes. "Unless the words come out of your mouth, escapes your lips, I will not obey anyone else but you My Lord."

Sebastian bowed and Ciel got more red. Was this really happening. Did Sebastian even know about his love for him. Did he know about any of it. Of course he would already know. He is a demon after all. Sebastian is his demon. His and his alone. Ciel smiled a little. Sebastian stood up and started to walk towards the door. Ciel felt his heart sink a little. He didn't want Sebastian to leave. He wanted him to stay here with him. Stay by hi side like he promised. By his side holding his hand with every step he took. He wanted everything Sebastian had to offer. Ciel stepped forward but Sebastian kept walking. Ciel decided no more games. He hated not knowing how Sebastian felt. He treated him kindly, but then he treated him coldly. Ciel looked at Sebastian and took a breath.

"Sebastian," Ciel said.

"Yes Young Master?" Sebastian asked turning to look at him.

"I have an order for you. You can refuse it if you want." Ciel told him and looked down to the ground blushing.

"I could never deny anything from you."

Ciel's face heated up. Was he really going to ask Sebastian. Was he really going to say it. "Sebastian, take this as an order if you wish." Ciel looked at Sebastian determined. With the face that he gave all his orders with. "Kiss me!"

"Yes, My Lord."

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