Chapter 7

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Sebastian brought Ciel up some tea and set it down in front of him. Should he tell Ciel about what the others were talking about. Should he keep it from him. Would it cause him worry, stress, anger? Would it make him feel relieved of keeping one less secret. Ciel was a boy of many secrets. No, Ciel was a man now. Sebastian had made him one. Sebastian took a breath and decided it was best to tell him what happened. He was the main character in the situation after all. Sebastian sighed and poured Ciel his tea. Ciel rested his head on his fist and watched it fall into the cup. Ciel smiled when he saw Sebastian, the position he took when pouring tea was tempting to just to tempting to jump at him. Seems like that was all Ciel wanted to do. Ciel had a lovely idea. Ciel stood up and Sebastian looked at him. Sebastian stopped pouring, wondering what he would be standing for. Ciel jumped over his desk and tackled to Sebastian to the floor. Sebastian was caught off guard and the tea pot went flying in the air. The liquid inside came out through the snout and the top. It was going to land on Ciel unless they moved. Sebastian rolled over on top of Ciel. Looked up at Sebastian and smirked. The hot tea spilled on Sebastian's back. Sebastian didn't move despite the liquid that soaked through his jacket. Ciel traveled his hands to Sebastian's chest. He started unbuttoning the tail coat. Sebastian smirked and let him.

"What a waste of tea. It even got all over my tail coat. Such a waste." Sebastian said and removed his coat.

"It's a pity." Ciel said and kissed Sebastian. "Looks like it got on your nice clean shirt. You have to take that off as well. I don't have dirty looking servants." Ciel smirked and undid the buttons.

Sebastian smirked and removed his shirt. "You only like them dirty in the bedroom don't you love."

"I love it when you call me that." Ciel said and kissed him.

Sebastian stood up and picked Ciel up in his arms bridal style. He forgot all about telling Ciel about what the servants were talking about. He carried Ciel over to the desk and sat him on it. Sebastian pressed his lips against Ciel's. Ciel wrapped his arms around Sebastian's neck. He messed up his hair as the kiss got more intense. Sebastian pulled him against him by the waist. Ciel smiled and tried to undo the buttons on his shirt but couldn't Sebastian smiled. He didn't quite understand how he could unbutton his shirt but not his own. Sebastian unbuttoned it for him. Ciel turned his body so he was in a position to lay down. Sebastian smirked and and lowered Ciel onto his back. Ciel smiled as Sebastian kissed down his neck, leaving a trail of hickeys. Ciel had a wave of pleasure rush over him. Sebastian kisses gently down his chest and Ciel smiled. Sebastian traveled his eyes back up to Ciel's. Ciel looked down and saw that lust color in his eye. Ciel knew that Sebastian's inner demon took him over. Things were going to get rough. Ciel smiled and opened his mouth slightly when Sebastian crashed his lips into his. Sebastian propped himself up with one leg on the table, on one side of Ciel. He could lift himself and lower himself easier that way. Sebastian massaged his tongue around, over, and under Ciel's. Ciel enjoyed this kind of relationship. He couldn't help but feel that he been held back when he didn't have Sebastian. Ciel smiled and moved his lips in sync with Sebastian. It was as if their lips were made for each others. Both perfect puzzle pieces that fit more than perfectly. They painted a picture of their love just by the motions they took to each other. Ciel felt a thrust to his waist and breathed out in a huff. Sebastian smiled and thrust more deeply into Ciel. Ciel loved the way Sebastian acted. He thought it was perfect, for Ciel's standards. Sebastian pulled away and looked at Ciel.

"Why did you stop?" Ciel asked sitting up.

"I fear that we may have been found out." Sebastian said and looked at him.

Ciel grinned. "How could we have been found out. No one walked in on us."

"But they do have ears. Seems we were a little loud. You with your screams and me with my moans." Sebastian answered honestly.

Ciel laughed a little. "Can't blame me, it was exciting." He crossed his arms and looked to the door. What was he going to do. He couldn't have his servants thinking he did stuff like do 'it' with his butler.

"Yes it was." Sebastian said.

Ciel wrapped his arms around Sebastian's neck and pulled him in to a quick kiss. Sebastian's lust came back quickly. Sebastian quickly lowered Ciel back on the desk roughly. Ciel had the wind knocked out of him. For some reason Sebastian was more rough this time around. Ciel had his hands pinned over his head. Sebastian locked them there tight with his grip. Ciel was silenced by any sounds he could possibly get out of him. Sebastian shoved his tongue forcefully into Ciel mouth. Once again they were in sync. Sebastian slid his hand down his chest and took the trim of Ciel's shorts. Ciel smiled and tried to get out sounds. They sounded a little like raped sounds. Sebastian tugged on them threatening for them to be ripped away from him. To expose what he had underneath. Not that Ciel cared much. Sebastian suddenly stopped kissing Ciel. Did he stop because of the noises he was making. Ciel followed his eyes and saw Mey-rin in the door way. Ciel's eyes were wide enough from Sebastian stopping. Ciel put himself in Mey-rins place. Now that Ciel looked at it, it did seem like Sebastian was raping him. Sebastian quickly got off Ciel. He couldn't believe he had been distracted again. How was Ciel able to do that to him. Ciel sat up quickly and got off the desk. He picked up his shirt. He was in shock that they had been caught. Ciel ran out of the room scared of what this might mean for him. Mey-rin watched as Ciel ran down the hall way. Sebastian put on his shirt and tail coat quickly. Mey-rin stared at him shocked, and a bit scared. Sebastian took a step forward her but she stepped back.

"Mey-rin it's-"

"It's fine Mister Sebastian!" Mey-rin turned around and ran down the hall. "I don't need to know!

Sebastian sighed. "Great, now I'm the one who raped the Young Master."

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