Chapter 10

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Ciel woke up the next morning smiling. Ciel rubbed his hands on the blanket. Wait! That blanket? Where was Sebastian? Ciel sat up quickly and looked at the bed. It didn't seem messed up except for tiny movements in his sleep. Ciel looked at his body. It was fully clothed. Ciel had been naked when he went to bed with Sebastian. They had gotten intense. Really intense. Ciel heard a knock at his door. Had last night been a dream. Has Ciel just thought it all up. Was he really that desperate to feel Sebastian. No, it was to pleasurable to be a dream. It was to real to be a dream. The door opened when Ciel didn't answer. Tanaka walked through the door in his tall form. Ciel stared at Tanaka shocked. When did Tanaka never was in that form anymore. Tanaka walked over to the closet and got out some clothes. He set the clothing down next to Ciel and grabbed the shirt. Ciel stared at Tanaka as he dressed him. Ciel sighed thinking of Sebastian once again. He couldn't forget about the fact that he just up and left. Even when he promised he would stay with him. Ciel let out a sigh and looked to the window as Tanaka put on his shoes.

"I feel sorry for you Ciel." Tanaka said and sat on his knee.

Ciel stared shocked. "I need to tell you the truth. I really-"

"That you really love Sebastian. That Mey-rin thought it was rape. That you want him back. That he was here last night. That you became a man." Tanaka gave a genuine smile to Ciel.

Ciel jumped on Tanaka and gave him a tight hug. How had he known. Tanaka might not show up a lot, but he sure is a smart man. He was always going to to be the one who understood. Even better than Sebastian. Tanaka was the only one he could consider family. He was... grandfather. Ciel pulled back and looked at Tanaka with sad tear filled eyes. Tanaka smiled and wiped his tears.

"You and I will get him back today. I promise. But you do realize that you are going to have to tell everyone the truth." Tanaka told him.

"I-I know." Ciel said and looked to the ground. "But they will just say it's wrong, they won't understand. They will just say that Sebastian is doing something to make me think that."

"Then get rid of them." Tanaka said and Ciel looked into his eyes. "If they won't understand then tell them to leave. You don't need people around who won't support you." Tanaka took him into a hug and Ciel hugging him tightly, resting his head on his shoulder.

Tanaka was always there for him. Ciel got to his feet and followed Tanaka out of the room. Tanaka took his hand like he did when Ciel was a child. Ciel was about to pull away but then reconsidered. It was relaxing to just sit back and let things be like when he was a child. Ciel smiled and followed Tanaka over to the coat rack. Ciel slipped his arms through the sleeves of his coat. Tanaka placed his around his shoulders and opened the door for Ciel. Ciel smiled at Tanaka and walked out. Tanaka shut the door behind him. Tanaka walked to the side of the house but Ciel caught his sleeve. Ciel wanted to walk. He hasn't taken a walk with him in the longest time. It had been two year, four months and five days. Funny how he kept track. Tanaka knew what Ciel wanted just by looking into his eyes. Tanaka hasn't seen Ciel smile since the incident. He took a hold of Ciel's hand and walked down the pathway. They walked through the gates and entered the world he wanted to be kept away from. Ciel knew an easier way to get Sebastian., but if he did that Tanaka would know. Ciel sighed and they went down the street. People walked by them. Multiple people talked when they saw the two. Ciel frowned when he heard people. Tanaka simply placed a hand on his shoulder and calmed him down. Ciel walked for the next two hours till he started complaining about his feet hurting. Tanaka laughed and took him inside a tea shop. Ciel sat down and smiled when his feet got a rest. Tanaka told the worker that Earl Grey was going to be sufficient. Ciel sighed and watched the woman walk off.

"Usually I would have Sebastian prepare my tea. They don't know what I like." Ciel complained.

"Can you please deal with it for now. It's the best you're going to get." Tanaka said.

Ciel sighed knowing it was true. "I'm sorry."

"For what? You did nothing wrong. You are a boy who fell in love. It happens you know." Tanaka said and placed his hand over Ciel's.

"But not with their butler. Their male butlers. I feel like I'm doing something wrong."

"Love works in mysterious ways. Trust me." Tanaka smiled thinking about his lover.

"No kidding." Ciel dropped his head on the table and sighed. How much longer did he have to go. What was he going to say to the servants. Surely Tanaka would help him explain. His biggest concern, would they accept it?

"I will help you if you need help." Tanaka said and took his hand.

"I would like help very much." Ciel said and let out a sigh of relief. I he had Tanaka by his side, he would be okay.

Ciel had a hand reach over his shoulder and it placed his tea down. "You're tea Young Master"

Ciel knew that voice. It was dark and sexy. Ciel's face lit up and he turned around. Sebastian stood behind him smiling at him. Ciel smiled and stared into Sebastian's eyes. Oh how he missed them.

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