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The next morning...

Renjun woke up, messy hair and everything. The boy got pulled back down by his two boyfriends, who suffocated him with cuddles.

"You guys... I have to make breakfast," Renjun whined in-between his boyfriend's.

"Nah, let them starve,"  Jaemin muttered, the boy was too tired. Renjun frowned, but stayed in bed, cuddling with his boyfriends.

Mark woke up seeing Donghyuck's beautiful sleeping face, he couldn't help but smile at him. He realized that his arm was wrapped around Donghyuck's waist, so he quickly pulled his arm away. Mark turned on his other side, falling back asleep again.

Chenle felt Jisung snuggling closer to his chest. The half-asleep boy, pulled Jisung closer to him, letting the younger sleep better or feel more comfortable.

Later, they all meet up in the kitchen, Renjun made breakfast for everyone. Chenle and Jisung waited a bit then went out to play at the beach. They both played in the water, their friends joining them a little bit after. 

Chenle and Jisung kept splashing at each other, then chased each other on the beach shore. They even fell on top of each other on the water, with the waves splashing on them. Mark just sat and watched, he only played in the water a bit. Donghyuck just flirted on and on with other hot men, rating them on a scale of 1-10 and estimating dick sizes.

Donghyuck was wearing a shirt over himself because of his stretch marks, you can easily see them. Donghyuck wasn't insecure about them, it was just obvious that he had a child beforehand. Not to mention how recent it was when he had given birth to the kids.

Jeno was playing some beach volleyball with Jaemin and some random strangers because that's what you apparently do when I see people at the beach, which is rare. And, I'm not sure if that happens in real life.

"Hey, you gonna go in the water?" Mark asked Donghyuck who was rating every hot dude that passed by.

"No, I'm not," Donghyuck replied. Mark shrugged, taking off his sweaty shirt, exposing his back. Donghyuck couldn't help but to drool over Mark's back, it looked hella sexy with the sweat dripping off of it. It was also nicely formed, better appreciate Mark's parents more.

Donghyuck went back to find some hot guys but Mark was in his vision too much. He watched the older play in the water, just swimming back and forth with his wet hair being slicked back.

"Like the view?" Renjun spoke, with a huge smirk on his face.

"Yea-, like the ocean, is very pretty and very sparkly, you know?" Donghyuck covered up what he wanted to say beforehand.

"Dude, you literally were drooling over Mark's body. Didn't ya'll already fuck?" Renjun asked.

"We were both drunk, I don't even remember anything, I probably didn't feel anything," Donghyuck spat.

"Well, I walked past your room, and I remember you had the freaking time of your life," Renjun teased, wiggling his eyebrows. Donghyuck curled up into a ball, giving a hard stare at Renjun.

"Like, you screamed out hyung very loud-" Renjun spoke before he got cut off by Donghyuck.

"OKAY! Fine, I get it, now stop teasing me! I don't need to know what happened when we had sex," Donghyuck spoke, scowling at the boy. 

"What happened?" Mark asked, his body was dripping with ocean water. Mark grabbed his towel, drying himself.

"Oh nothing, Renjun was teasing me about something weird," Donghyuck muttered.

"I was telling Donghyuck about-," Renjun said before Donghyuck slapped his mouth closed.

"Shut the fuck up," Donghyuck said, his ears were red and his cheeks were burning. 

Mark looked at the two weirdly, then walking away to go by a drink from a vending machine nearby.

"Oh, so you didn't want Mark to know about how you moaned out his name?" Renjun asked.

"Shut up before I kill you!" Donghyuck threatened.

"Haha, okay, I'm kidding," Renjun giggled, with Donghyuck's glare throwing right at him. 

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