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This story is a spin off of 'Rejected at First Sight' By GirlWhoChasesRainbow. Go check it out if you haven't already! I know that a lot of her fans have been craving an ending after the unexpected disappearance of Rainbow. I didn't want to hold myself up to the standard of Rainbow and decided not to continue her book for her. I believe that it should be left like that in honor of her. These are my own characters and twists in Rainbow's original story, but I have taken her ideas and formed my own story off of it. This is not the story of Evie and Ashton, rather a couple who I imagined and perceived them to be. I do not trust myself to continue her story, I would never be able to put myself in Rainbow's amazing head. Please enjoy, and everyone stay safe. My email is in my bio if you want to reach out.

In no way am I trying to surpass Rainbow. I, like you all, was craving an ending to Evie and Ashton's love story. My writing style is similar to Rainbow's and I believe that I can finish this story of hers. In my own way of course. I will never be able to know where she was going.

Once again, I am not Rainbow.


Ashlyn Jesse

I set the box in the back of the truck, sliding it back a few feet. Turning on my heel, I move back into the driveway to pick up another out of the massive pile. Another arm brushed against mine.

Looking up, I meet Gabe's playful look. I rolled my eyes and bumped his hip with mine. "I need to finish this."

He sharply grabs my elbow, moving his face in close to my ear so I'm the only one that can hear. "I need to say goodbye to you. Alone." His warm breath fans across my neck, my nerves alight in newfound excitement. The tone of Gabe's voice promised something.

"Of course." I say quietly.

"Ashley!!!" A voice wailed as my best friend looped her arm with mine. "Stop keeping her all to yourself lover boy." Hailey said and whisked me away. I sent Gabe an apologetic look over my shoulder. We stopped beside the truck. She wiggled her eyebrows at me suggestively. "So?"

I sigh and set the box down. "'So' what?"

She rolled her eyes exasperatedly. "Come on Ashley! Details!"

I can't stop the smile creeping on my face. "It was amazing." I gushed. "Like, it was a glimpse into heaven."

"Really?" Hailey squealed.

A moment of silence passed between us.

"I'm going to miss you." She says somberly.

"I know." I say quietly and pull her into a hug. "I promise to text every day."

"I will hold you to that."

Time passed by quickly as the rest of the boxes were loaded into the back of the moving truck. Soon I was waving goodbye to Hailey, her screaming that I'd better text her as she drove down the street. I quickly grab the last box.

I walk down the driveway back to the truck, the wind picking up and tussling the white tank top I wore. I felt the slight breeze lift up the slim shirt, the small of my back showing as I drop the box into the truck.

Hands are placed on my hips as Gabe presses his body against mine. I smile, rolling my teeth across my bottom lip. Gabe breaths heavily onto my neck, my long golden hair blowing slightly. "Have I told you how much I'm going to miss you?" He said huskily.

I spin around to face him and pull him into a hug, my hands clinging to his back. "I'm going to miss you too." I say as emotion chokes me.

"Do you have to move?" He asks with a sad hint to his voice.

Rejected At First Sight (Spinoff Series)Where stories live. Discover now