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The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing-Walt Disney


"Do you want to do this?" He asks as I unzip the back of my dress.

"Do you have a condom?" He searches his pockets,

"Nope." What in heavens, I am going to regret this tomorrow morning but it is not tomorrow yet.

"Thank God for birth control, fuck the condom." I pull on his tie and place my lips on him. A spark ignited, he grabs her legs and wrapped them around his waist.

All that is on my mind is the guy from last week. He has been on my mind since I left the hotel room, who would have thought? When I saw him, I thought he was out of my league but with enough alcohol, in your system, you can do anything, right?

The man had the appearance of a god. With his toned body, his beard and high cheekbones, it is a pity that I only get to see him in my dreams. The way he rocked my body and made me feel like I blew his mind away.

Unfortunately, he has an awful personality and feels as though he is owed anything he desires, just like my ex and I am never stooping that low again. I pull my teabag out of my cup.

"Ms Mokhoro, Trevor is throwing a tantrum yet again." Trevor is going to ruin my day before it even began.

"Trevor, why are we upset?" He is facing the wall with his arms crossed. Kids may be peculiar but they are fun.

"I'm not saying!" I crunch down to his level, I try not to make him feel small, it sometimes makes them uncomfortable.

"Not even to me?" He looks at me and I see the tears all over his face. He may be more emotional than all the kids in my class but that is why he is the cutest. Trevor is an amazing student. His parents dot on him but they may lack understanding as to what smothering is. He is also such a free-spirited individual.

"Joshua took my pencil and broke it, then lied and said I did it." I hate bullies and I love children so I get mixed emotions when a child is a bully. Joshua is the child who blends in, he does not want to stand out. I rarely see his parents. They came to one parent's meeting and they did not interact.

"Joshua, did you take his pencil?" I try to show him that I am not mad at him. Every day someone takes something that belongs to someone else. We sometimes feel entitled to certain things which is farther from the truth.

"No, miss." He looks away before he says it. Every student has their tell, the one thing they do when they are lying. Joshua does not like to meet a person's eyes when he lies.

"Why did you do it?" He looks back at me as though I caught him red-handed. They always forget that I pay attention.

"How do you know it was me?" Pulling him closer so I can whisper in his ear so that Trevor does not hear our murmurs.

"The look on your face, sold you out, now why did you do it?" Taking a moment to collect himself, Joshua braces himself for the consequences of his action.

"Trevor always takes my pencils and never brings them back. When I complain to Ms James, she believes Trevor over me." Often when someone tells us something about someone we know, we tend to run to confirm forgetting that everybody lies even children.

"Honey, sometimes grown-ups are wrong, Ms James was wrong to believe Trevor but if no one saw him do it and backed you up, then she can not punish him and  instead of breaking his pencil you should have told me." Nodding while wiping his tears. There is always a teachable moment, especially with children.

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