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"Is this your new doll? Can I break it?"

"You can not break it, Johan." Mikuni replied,

Mikuni steps in, standing beside her. He wasn't letting Johan come any closer than he did. [F/N] only stood silent, letting the two talk rather than her joining in. Her gaze wonders off to look at the inside of Mikuni's shop.

"Ah, but I wish for that she's my doll to be."

"You're asking for a miracle." She doubt that his wishes could happen.

The moment she opened her mouth, Johan immediate saw her fangs. Swiftly holds her chin and opened it for him to see it more clearly. Johan was, of course, astonish by the existence of Servamp. He'd like to examine one out of a bat if he could.

"Oi. Johan." Mikuni brushes away Johan's hand from holding her. "How dare you."

"Now. Calm down."  Johan lifts his hands, trying to somehow ease Mikuni from getting angry. "I already broke one of your doll's neck, so I'm good."


And like that, Mikuni rushed to his place where he kept his collective dolls. He screamed, knowing some of his precious dolls had no head sticking on its body. Mikuni, mysterious and mature character he was just a few minutes ago. But when it comes to his special collective, his childish side appeared.

"Didn't I say not to touch them!" he raised his voice, enough to reach them from another room.

"Well, it's your fault for placing it at my reach." Johan places his hands in side the lab coat pocket and strode to the room where Mikuni is. [F/N] followed behind, taking a bit distance between them. "Now~ let's see."

Johan pulled her by the arm, right where the injury is. She flinched, as he pulled rather roughly and unwraped the bandage. Normal people would be terrified to see such severe cut, but Johan was beyond what she thought would react. An astonished face, somehow stars appeared on his eyes.

"Oh~ The red liquid. I can even see the bone~!" Johan uttered rather happily, he slightly tried on opened back the cut.

"Stop it! It hurts!" She harshly retrieve back her arm, quickly bandage it back.

"Ah, so you do sense pain."

"What!? Of course, I do."

"A vampire should heal faster than that." Johan pointed out her arm. "And it seems there is still a living being in you." He grins, looking down on the poor girl.

"Duh. I'm not dea--"

"A Servamp is identified to be already dead; to be called one, away from the life that once were. How is it possible for you to be one, then?"

Johan throws a question neither she could answer. [F/N] wonder the same question as well, she stare at the gash on her arm. It was clumsily wrapped, yet the blood was slightly flowing out. The expression she shown, it was somehow resulting Johan to be more curious of her.

"Oh~" Johan walks towards her, his tall figure was covering the dim light from shinubg over her. The closer he gets, Jeje happened to transform to his vampire form and stood in front of her. "Relax~ I'm trying to have a proper conversation with her." Johan shrugged, yet not gaining trust from Jeje.

[F/N] peeked her head on the side of Jeje, slightly wanting to know some answers from Johan. However, as soon as Johan saw her mismatch eyes, he was certain of one thing that lies inside the girl. It was already known that [F/N] was half-human and half-vampire. But what's the proof of her dead...

"You're already dead inside." Johan points out his index finger and slightly made contact to her forehead.

The word hit her rock bottom, eyes widen, she couldn't accept the fact that it was true yet no firm answer than that. [F/N] scowls, eyes stared dagger to Johan. Johan, however, was immune to every cold aura yet when he saw the eyes of the half-vampire. The sharp, mismatched eyes made him faze at a brief moment. He grin from the sight of it, later he suddenly hands her a drink from the beaker her usually holds.

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