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"What's wrong?" I stood up beside her,

"I haven't got Licht's blood yet." she said,

Hyde may have his powers back but as the contract still hasn't complete, it will drain down and he will become weak again.

"Kuro. We need to give [F/N] some time." I ordered,

"Fine." Kuro stand up and sighs.

"Please, distract it while I'll talk to Licht." [F/N] said and ran toward Licht.

Licht and Hyde were busy fighting the enemy. They fought but it didn't even gave a scratch on it.

"It slowed but recovered back to normal that fast." Licht said, hus Lead the boots could slow down any vampire but it recover fast. "Hyde, are you even fighting for real?!"

"I am." Hyde said, "But the more I used my power the more I feel like I'm losing strength.

"Because it is." she came running towards them while Kuro and I switch with Hyde to distract it. "The contract hasn't completed."

"[F/N]'s right." as Licht knew, he turn to Hyde "Don't use your power too much."

I throw my spear again, thought that it will reflect back to me. Instead, the enemy controlled the reflection, aiming it right towards [F/N]. She was running towards Licht, noticed the spear was heading towards her,

"[F/N]!" I shouted,

I ran towards her, but from my distance, I might be too late. On the other hand, Licht ran right towards her so they could dodge the spear. My heart again was nearly stop because of [F/N]'s safety.

"Aww." from the push by Licht, [F/N] land on top of Licht. Seeing him right in front of her, she went right straight and bite on Licht's neck.

"...[F/N]." Licht felt pain where she bite him and suck his blood.

Enduring the pain, Licht put his hands around her waist. Our battle with the enemy was still on while [F/N] is busy, Hyde didn't used much power as ordered so it's up to me and Kuro. Slashing our weapons yet it still didn't get any cut or scratches on the enemy. The last drop of blood [F/N] have devour, leaving Licht's neck, both Licht and Hyde regain more power than they usual had. A chain appear on both [F/N] and Hyde and connected towards Licht's leg, the contract had completed. Hyde's rapier and Licht's boots glows as it been upgraded,

"Now~ Let's have fun." Hyde smirk, excited to try his powers again.

Leaving it with Hyde, [F/N] was still on top of Licht. Conscious but her mind was somewhere else, I came and lifted her up from Licht.

"[F/N], are you okay?" holding her in my arms. But she didn't respond yet her eyes changes made me scared, both turned bright crimson. The diamond symbol appeared more conspicuous than the last time this happen after meeting with the inner Servamp demon. What is happening to her?

"Oi." Licht said, he stand up. "Order your cat to stop and let me switch."

"Kuro." I called him and order him to stop and let Licht take over. Kuro came towards us after,

"Is she--" Kuro notice her eyes, both turned red. This is the second time that her sudden eye color changed.

We try to wake her up from her daze, shaking her didn't work neither, Kuro's lick power that had work once but not anymore. Worried, my emotion ease when suddenly [F/N] stand up.

"Kill all enemies." she said, but her expression didn't show any different.

She ran towards the enemy, summoning her arrow but this time she only used one. Holding one arrow in her hand, she face the enemy.

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