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"That hurts."

The small voice, as its like a child's voice. She leaned on top of me, but as I lift my head slightly to met her gaze. It was still the mismatch eyes I usually saw, the black and red coloured eyes as it pierce through me with her gaze. I sit up to make sure more about her condition, but what comes next wasn't what I expected... The clothes she was wearing had gotten bigger for her, holding my shirt with her tiny hands...

"You turned into a kid!" I shouted, shocked by her appearance.


[F/N] was confused at first, but as she saw her own hands and body had shrunk... She was also shocked. From what I see, she seems to be a child of age seven or so. I was still stun, seeing my little sister in my hold. Misono then came to check up on us after all the Jinns dissapeared.

"Are you two... okay?" Misono didn't see her at first since she shrunk, but as I turn, he also wasn't expecting it. "What?" He stare at the little [F/N],

[F/N] was speechless, seeing herself in the shirt she wore was too big as it was enough to cover her whole body. Then, she remembered what her inner demon had said, that was the effect from forming contract with Servamp and Eve. Her tiny hand tug on my shirt, she soon tries to figure out how to solve the problem. Misono didn't ask much after he saw little [F/N].

A few minutes later, Kuro and Lily came. They came empty handed, so they didn't caught the culprit who shot the bullet. We couldn't do more than that, so we let it be for now, one thing for sure they won't get away the next thing we encounter them. Kuro and Lily was searching for [F/N] since they knew the erupted Jinn dissapeared, but they didn't found her anywhere until I turn around.

"[F/N] became small?" Lily hold her in his hand, other than surprised by her appearance, he was also curious to see little [F/N]. "But its a good thing you're safe."

"This... was all the cause of the Jinns..." Kuro said, he only observed.

"I don't think it was all caused by the Jinn." Misono suddenly said, he holds his chin and muse about the situation. "From what we know, Jinn wouldn't hurt a Servamp or rather they help to find prey because... they sense the power, a Servamp power so they maybe appeared to witness her powers."

"Then, what made her shrunk?" I asked,

"The dream..." [F/N] said, we all heard her and our gaze turn to her. "I haven't told you guys this but when I was out, I had a dream meeting with my inner demon." She said, stop for a moment to revise her dream. "It said that my body wasn't capable to hold such power and form contract with Servamp and Eve, at max its only three, which mean I pass over the limit."

"You couldn't withstand the Servamp power..." Misono mused,

Kuro came close to Lily and [F/N], he kept staring at little [F/N]. The change was the fault of the person who shot her, but he didn't thought like that. Kuro blame himself from not noticing the bullet sooner. He was about to pat her head, realizing then that his hand was big to do so on her now small figure. He stopped halfway, knowing after that [F/N] held his finger with her tiny hand.

"Don't feel bad, Kuro. its not your fault. I'm okay, just a change of size." The girl smiled, Kuro then took her from Lily's hold. Hugging her ever so gently, the anger towards the person who did this remain in his mind.

"Sorry..." He murmur,

"Power...unstable" [F/N] suddenly said, turning around to face the other. "I got it!" She shouted, excited to her discovery, we turn our gaze towards her. "My body wasn't stable to uphold such power, so to equalize the hold of the power, it changed my body into a child..."

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