Chapter 2-The hotel

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Today was the day that ____ went to the hotel. She wasn't sure if was going to the job but was ready to do anything. She looked up that the sign that had been Change into "Hazbin hotel" instead of happy hotel. She quietly pushed the door opens and looked inside.

Side was the princess of hell hold a girl with white hair back from a deer demon. Angel dust flirting with a cat with wings behind the bar. ____ quietly wait in and patiently wait. After a few minutes of standing there watch ____ started to sing "Inside of every demon is a Rainbow" a song that she herd on the ad. Everyone stopped to look after her as they where startled by the sudden sing well beside The deer demon.

"... at the happy hotel~ so is that how it goes? Correct me if I'm wrong but I only saw it once." ____ simply said.

"My, my Darling your voice is certainly wonderful! What might you name be?" The deer demon said.

He had a really big smile, small antlers, fluffy hair, red eyes, a dazzling suit and a charming radio host voice.

"Hello, I'm _____, and thank you, so what is your name my good sir?" ____ said.

"I am Alastor, The radio Demon! Is a pleasure to meet you!" The deer Denom, Alastor said.

"Hi, Ms.____ so are you here to mock our thing here or are you here to be redeemed?" The white haired girl said.

____ laughed and said "Oh, no, I definitely know I'm not one to be redeemed, but I'm not here to mock wither. I just want to work here that's all. I just need to say that song on the Tv was absolutely beautiful, I'm a sucker when it come music and I couldn't help but check this place out."

"Well, it would be nice to have more help, what do you thing, Vaggie?" Charlie, the princess of hell said.

"I guess but don't try anything funny you got that?" Vaggie, the white hair girl said.

"I would say, that's a wonderful idea my dear!" Alastor said with is extremely wide smile.

"Heyyyy suga tits!" Angel said as he looked over to _____.

"Angel, don't be rude." Vaggie said aggressively.

"Relaz babe~ I know her~ An't that right ____" Angel said as he walked over and hugged you.

"Yes, yes. Another reason for me to be here is to spend more time with Angel since the only time I see him was at one of my shows" _____ I said.

"Oh so are you two like a thing or some sh*t?" Vaggie said.

"HELL NO, no fence but I don't date porn stars. We're just friends, and frankly I said many times openly to Angel himself I don't like adult entertainment like that. Angel and I are simply friends and nothing more." ____ said quickly.

"Yup, I bet if I get anywhere down there she kick me in the F*ckinv balls and hell bloody murder on me." Angel said.

"Ohhh Angel I could do much worse than that! But that's not the point. So when should I start?" __ said.

"Hmm how about tomorrow. Would you like to have a room here? Or are you just going to be coming in everyday?" Charlie said.

"A room would be nice, oh and one more thing Princess, one of my friends is also interested in a job here, he's a great cook so I'm sure he can help out, so would that be okay?" ____ asked looking at Charlie.

"Of course that would be fine! More the merrier. And please no need to be so formal just call me Charlie." Charlie said happily.

"Wonderful! I hope to see you around then _____ darling!" Alastor said.

"______ My advice is stay way form him. His dangerous." Vaggie said looking at Alastor.

"Hmm I don't see it. How dangerous can he be?" _____asked.

"He's the radio demon one of the most powerful overlords in hell! He a deal maker, you shouldn't trust him. He also created mass genocide and broadcasted all over hell."

"Oh really?" ____ said and looked over to Alastor.

"Oh yes my dear! I am the one and only Radio demon! I am surprised you are not scared! Even after hearing that!" Alastor said.

"You can't be that. Plus I don't really care much of who or what you are as along as we get along. As for the killing thing, eh we all have little quirks some steal and some kill a couple hundred. Personally I don't care." ____ said.

"My my! What a brave one you are! I'm intrigued!" Alastor said in an amused voice.

"Either way I look forward to working with you all. I'm go get my stuff and my friend! So I'll see tomorrow at work everyone." ____ said and left.

"She seems nice." Charlie said.

"Indeed my dear!" Alastor agreed, "Angel since you know her best, care to Tell us a little bit more about them?"

"Huh? Sure whatever." Angel said.

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