Chapter 5- Sinner

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It has been a few weeks since ___ and Scorch started to woke at the hotel. Scorch was doing fine and help around the bar and kitchen. Husk seemed to enjoy his company once. While Angel likes to flirt with the both Husk and Scorch non-stop. Everything went smoothly as per usual a few demons who cane to mock the place and 1 to 2 demons came to be serious in redemption. Those who mock the place are usually throw out but Alastor and all _____ following Charlie no kill, and no beat up rule when they do. Alastor and _____ had gotten closer and became good friends as they got to know each other; they enjoyed each other's company.

Today was like any normal day but ____ and Alastor had free time and decided to hang out in Alastor room for a few hours until dinner. Alastor and _____ was sitting side by side on his bed listing to the radio and talking to each-other.

"My dear, I been quite curious to know something." Alastor said and looked at _____.

"Hm what is it?" _____ hummed.

"Well you know my story and how I end up here. So I was curious, what sin dis you commit to be hear? You seemed like a nice enough person to not be hear my darling ____."

"Oh that... I suppose I don't mind sharing as long as you don't tell the others they might freak out."

Alastor nodded and waited for _____ to answer the question of his.

"Well for starters I'm a serial killer. Kidnapping, Murdering, torturing, stealing, drugged a bunch of people, experimenting on people, killed a few of my ex's, manipulated a couple of people, mentally break a person, made someone believe I was there friend and they kill everyone they love. Ohh damn you should have seen there face the shear horror and betrayal seen integer eyes, utterly beautiful. Made one of my victims kill there own family. Had been a leader to a underground criminal organization. While doing that I was a cop for a few years. I was never caught even once. I used a fake name to I guess to be known as a serial killer but that's not important. In general I'm not a very good person. So yeah ironically I was murdered in a crossed fire between a rival gang."

"Darling, that quite a list of crimes!" Alastor said.

"Yes yes, I know. Normally people won't trust me after me saying the whole betrayal thing. So I don't normally tell that. I see no reason to betrayal you guys so you don't need to worry about that. Also that probably why I have a good combat skills."

"Very very fascinating! You might be just as bad as me!" Alastor said laughing.

"So Mr. Louisiana, cannibal, serial killer so your not a bit disturb by this are you?" _____ asked assumingly.

"No! Darling, I broadcast my hell genocide across the nine circles I think I can handle a serial murderer like me and you! In fact that just another reason why we get along. Our love for the kill and people's suffering."

"Fair." ____ said laughing.

"One more question my darling." Alastor said in more of a serious tone "Why the week I know you you certainly don't seem like a person to... Umm Hurt yourself so how did you get those scars? Like why did you do it _____, darling?"

_____ looked at Alastor blankly as she thought for a few second before speaking "All my life I been put down by others. One of my ex's was down right toxic so I killed him after. Another cheated on me. One that I cared for was killed because of me. I hated it I even started hating myself for a while and I started cutting. I had depression for a while and killing was my coupling mechanism as morbid as that seems. To be quiet honest with you I still do every once and a while. Scorch hates it when I do but he was never mad. Those friends I have now that knew me in my living life knows about it but rarely bring it up. My cutting problem is getting better. I been 'clean' I guess since I been here. But can we just change the subject from that."

Alastor said nothing as he can tell he struck a personal cord of hers as her fox ears was now flatten against her head. He thought of what Charlie would normal do and pulled _____ I to his arms and wrapped around her.

"Al what are you doing?" _____ asked and flinched a bit.

"Well you seem sad my dear. And you know your never fully dressed without a smile! I see Charlie doing this when ever Vaggie is upset so I thought it might help!"

____ smiled as her tail wagged back and forth while her ears perked up, "thanks Al" she said and hugged him.

A few second they let go and headed down to get dinner. ____ spend the rest of the night with Scorch and went to bed. Alastor couldn't help but wanted to spend more time with _____ and got a little jealous of the fire demon.

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