Chapter 12- Confession

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Everyone But Scorcb panicked. Alastor was about to walk in ther and help ____ when Scroch stopped him.

"Give it 5 minutes ____ is a toughly girl. She has her ways of dealing with sea creatures." Scorch said and let go of Alastor.

Exactly five minutes later, _____ walked out of the ocean with a giant octopus and a giant fish.

"Hey Scorch Scorch! Looks like we're going to have Takoyaki and steam fish for dinner!!"_____ said.

"Sounds lovely." Scorch said as if nothing happened.

"OMG _____ Your okay! We thought you were I. Trouble!!" Charlie said.

"You sure gave us a f*ckin panic babe~ but it's was hilarious seeing Al wanting to jump in to help you." Angel said.

"Oh I'm sorry guys I didn't mean to worry you. This thing decided to pull be under and so I kill it and hauled in a extra fish too." ____ said as her ears pinned to the side of her head.

"As long as your okay." Alastor and Vaggie said.

With a bit of a eventful end they decided to have a bbQ outside on the beach after they changed. _____ made takoyaki but instead of steam fish. They grilled the fish. They ended the night peacefully and went back to the hotel.

The next day everyone went back to there daily doings. After they where finished with work _____ day by bar having a cup of tea while people watching.

"Ahhh ____ my dear! Just the  person I been looking for! Now my darling do you have anything else to do?" Alastor said while looking at _____.

"No not really. So what do you have planned Al?" ____ said looking at a him.

"We can 'hang out' like last time!" Alastor said as ____ smiled.

"Sure. So my room or you room?"

"My room! Since I seem to always go to yours! Now come on!" Alastor said and dragged _____ our of the bar area.

"Allie what with you today you seem to be in a good mood."

"Well I enjoy my time with you dear."

"Awww that's sweet so what are we going to do."

They had a bit of small talk before arriving at Alastor's room. As expected Alastor's room was very 1920s vibe, ____ like the asthistc and was very fitting for him.

"Soo you want to dance my dear?" Alastor said and put a hand out for her.

"Sure I love to Al." ____ said shyly and took Alastor's hand.

The radio turn on with music from the 1920s, as they dance together staring at each-others eyes. _____ May not have realized it but she had slowly gone close to the radio demon, and it grown to something we call love. She loved the time she spent with Al but with her luck she thought it be impossible for someone like him to love someone like her. All she can do is to enjoy every moment with him.

"Dear, your quite a dancer." Alastor said with a comforting smile.

"Thanks you too." ____ said, "so umm..... do you want to do another sleepover Allie?"

"That would be fantastic my dear!" Alastor said.

"Alright, I'm going to get my pjs and take a shower I'll be back in a few!" ____ said and left.

As she walked over to her room she saw Scorch and said hi.

"Hey so (nickname), you love him don't you?" Scorch said in a teasing way.

"What I have no idea what you mean." ____ said blushing knowing he was referring to Alastor.

"Oh come on it's so easy to seee. You love him but you're afraid of what might happened like last time, you fell in love with someone."

"No Won't say I'm in love." 

(You sang al part and Scorch sang the shadow part.)

"Seee it isn't so hard." Scorch said.

"Shut up. Maybe I'll tell him but I doubt he like me back."

"Whatever you say. But you know love had it's funny way of surprising you." Scorch said and walked off.

Without any other distraction ____ went to her got changed and showered and went back to Alastor's room.

"So ready to hit the hay?" ____ said.

"Yes." Alastor said and was already in the bed.

"Alright." ____ said and walked over and got in the bed with Alastor.

"Hey ____." Alastor said looking at ____ with loving eyes and a soft tone.

"Yes Allie?" _____ said slightly blushing.

"Would you be okay if I asked you to court with me? I been thing about this a lot and I think I love you my dear. And I want to to be by my side forever." Alastor said blushing.

"Ok." ____ said and thought 'really OK OKAY is the only thing I could say? Good going ____'

"I mean I like you too. So yes." ____ said and kissed his forehead.

Alastor smile grew wider and hugged ____ closer time him.

"I love you Allie."

"I Love you to Darling." With that they fell asleep In eachothers arms.

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