Chapter 10- Gifts

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Short chapter

It was another normal day, _____ found out Xenix was in the hotel and had a bit of catch up with him. After that ______ called for the staff and Angel dust.

"So what the F*ck did you call us" Husk said annoyed.

"Well I couldn't help but notice the lobby was a bit empty so. Last time I was out I went to fetch a few supplies to liven things up. Sooo." ____ said and walked out said and open the door.

She pulled a long rectangular thing cover in a curtain into the hotel it was on wheels of course.

"What is that." Charlie asked curiously.

"Welll is a painting I did." _____ said and pulled the curtain down.

(Obviously not my art but you get the idea also just pertend you and Scorch is In their too)

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(Obviously not my art but you get the idea also just pertend you and Scorch is In their too)

"WOW _____ this soooo Cool." Charlie said jumping up and down.

"Sooo do you guys like it." ____ asked.

"It's coool." Vaggie said with a smile.

"ooo This is so beautiful!" Nifty said.

"Damn _____ you really did a good job and I look beautiful. You should paint me like one of those French girls." Angel said.

"Angel no. I will not paint you like one of the French girls." _____ said.

"I will go so far is it to say it's not bad." Husked said and walked away.

"Absolutely beautiful my darling! It is amazingly! You are definitely quiet an artist my dear." Alastor said.

"Oooooh where definitely hanging this up!!!" Charlie said still jumping up and down.

"Ohhh also Angel Dust. I found a couple of scarp fabrics is my house as I thought it be nice to make Fat nuggets something so here you go." _____ said and handed him a small little pig size clothing that looks like Angels dust normal wear.

"oh my F*ck! I bed FAT NUGGETS WOULD LOOK SO ADORABLE IN THIS. Thank you! I'm a go out this on them!" Angel said running off.

"Remember to send me a picture tooo!! I want to seee how cute it is!" _____ yelled to Angel.

"Well that alll I hope you guys like it. I'm going to get some paperwork done then." ____ said walked off.

Alastor watch as _____ was working. He was bored and thought to seek of but of entertainment. The first thing he thought about was _____.

"Hello my darling!" Alastor spoke.

"Hello, Allie. What's up?" _____ said not look up as she could tell who it was by his iconic yet soothing voice.

"Oh nothing I was seeking some entertainment as Was bored."

"Well as much I enjoy our hang out time. I hav work to do so if you want to hangout where going to have to wait."

"Hmmm alright!" Alastor said and pulled a chair over watching _____ do her thing.

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