Chapter 13- Resurfacing Past

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Few weeks gone by and _____ and Alastor went on a few dates, enjoy each other time. When they told the others of thier relationships most were supportive of it. Vaggie questioned ____ for it but soon respected her choice of being with Alastor.

Now today, _____ went out as per Charlie's requested to get some supplies for the hotel, Alastor was not able to accompany _____ as he had his own things to do. ____ was walking towards where she should be getting the supplies when she bumped into someone.

"Oh I'm sor....ry...." _____ paused as she saw who it was.

It was a man who was also a fox, he had grayish blue hair, a white complexion, he was aroun 6 feet all, somewhat muscular but not over muscular, and a very defining jaw line. He was Denji, someone _____ knew when she was alive. Denji was a man that one of _____'s uncle had made her betrothed to but after realize what guy he was he was arrested. ____ never really got any other to be betrothed with after that, but the only reason why she had a betrothal was for the wrath of one of her uncles and ___ didn't agree with. Denji slammed _____ toward the wall, given there history _____ was quite and she was frozen I fear but not saying anything.

"So we can finally finish what I started. After taht sun of a B*tch of a guard threw me out. I still remember that beautiful face of yours." Denji said with a perverted smirk, as he rips ____'s shirt off.

_____ panicked as she had a flashback to when she was alive. She quietly smacked Denji hard on the face, heard enough to make us face bury into the ground. ____ ran and eventually hid under a bridge with only her bra and shorts. She was still in a panic and shaking. She said within shadows of the bridge and cried to herself, as she was having flashbacks and panicking.

Few hours later.....

Alastor and the others we're getting worried about _____ as she should have been back by now. Scorch was started to get worried know what kind of person ____ is he knows she would only go do was she was told to and come back.

Angel was about to go back to the hotel after a few hours with his clients and decided to take a walk when he came across the bridge and notice something under it. He walked closer and saw _____ crying roll herself.

"Sugar tits? Why are you here?" Angel said.

_____ looked up in a panic and relaxed after seeing it was Angel. She didn't say anything.

"Uhh, _____ can are you alright toots? Also what don't you have a f*ckin shirt on." Angel said as he came closer.

____ flinched and slightly moved away, looked away. Angel felt bad for the poor girl but was determined to see why she was crying under bridge.

"Look sweetheart I don't do this often but you look like you need a hug Soo." Angel said and pick ____ up and hugged her.

_____ flinched and soon relaxed, she gently held onto angel as she cried.

"Now let's take you back okay? Since you won't tell me what's wrong." Angel said.

"Okay..... thank you Angel." _____ said quietly.

Angel head back to the hotel with ____ in his arms. While walking there ____ mange to tell him one thing "Denji." Angel was confused but ____ said Scorch will understand why. When they got back to the hotel, Charlie was about to express her worries and how did it go but stopped when she notice ____ was in Angel's
Arms. Alastor rushes over as he had sence ____ was back. Alastor saw _____ and with out give Angel a chance to explain he said "What happened." In a calm eye serious tone.

" I don't know, strawberry pimp. I ain't a mind reader. Ask her not me. All she did was Denji" Angel said.

Alastor took _____ off of Angel. _____ held on to Alastor tight like a child how was lost and found there family again.

"Al...." was all ____ said as she was whimpering a bit.

"It's okay darling your safe now." Alastor said, turn to the rest and said "I'm going to take ____ back to her room. Will decuss this later."

Alastor want so bad to know who and what did this to his precious ______ but he knows she take priority, destroying the one who did this can wait.

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