Chapter 9-Costumer #2

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_____ woke up around 6 in the morning to feel extremely warm and comfortable. It was one of the very few nights that ______ had a very good night sleep. She felt a pair of arms around her as she was leaning on something soft the hard at the same time. She had her hands against the warm surface. She opened her eyes and looked to see A certain deer hugging her as they were still asleep. _____ blushed but didn't mind being hugged by Alastor. _____ normally wasn't someone that likes physical contact but for some reason _____ felt safe around Alastor even tho he's a murderer who broadcast his genocide to the whole world of hell. _____ lean closer to Alastor and snuggled into his chest. 'So warm. So cute yet intimidating I like it but I shouldn't not after him. I know Al can take care of himself but I can't afford to be hurt like that again.' _____ thought as Alastor began to walk up and looked down to______.

"Good morning my darling!" Alastor said as he saw ___ was awake.

"Morning. Thank for being my deer pillow/ cuddle buddy for the night. I can't remember since the last time I did that with someone." _____ said.

"No problem! What time is it? We probably should get to working!" Alastor said.

"6. Also just five for minute I'm to comfortably to move, Allie." _____said.


"You don't like it?" ______ asked looked up at him.

"I didn't say that. You know I don't normally do this with anyone right?"

"Yes. I can tell since the whole murder cannibal thing. But seriously I'm to comfortable." _____ said and Alastor laughed.

"Well alright just give more minutes then."

A few more minutes later, Alastor used his magic to get ready and _____ got ready in her bathroom. After they got dressed and ready in there normal where they went downstairs to the kitchen. They made breakfast together and everyone enjoyed the food and went to work. Even though it had been very empty since not everyone is keen on redemption. The only customer was Angel Dust.

"Hmm I wonder if there is a way to get mort customers to come." Charlie asked Vaggie who was at the front desk.

"I don't know Charlie. Some people are just not that into the idea of redemption." Vaggie stayed.

"Guys I'ma head out for about and hours or so. I gots some stuff to do." _____ said.

"May I ask what stuff."

"Hmm just going to see and old friend Of mine and my doggo. He might get grumpy if I don't at-least go and play with him a little."

"You have a dog?" Charlie asked.

"Yes I do. Hell hound to be exact. He's adorable. God last time I left him with my other friends Jace, Ace, Jax, Levin and Atlas alone with him for a few months. I came back to a mess in my house. So I need to go and check on them before that happens."

"Alright then enjoy playing with your dog."

With that _____ left the hotel. An hour or two later, someone open the door and looked in.

They walked in and said "Hello."

"Hi. Are you here to be on the road to redemption? Or to make fun of us if it's the ladder please leave." Vaggie said.

"No. I was recommended this place? I been here for at least a decade and I don't know maybe redemption is something I can try. Plus my friend literally won't stop bothering me about it because they know I want to see my brother who probably up there. The name is Xenix. If you don't mine I like a room. Also maybe if this thing goes well I'll drag my other friends here." They said slightly jokingly.

"You're serious, your will to f*cking try this with no sh*t remarks. And your bring you friends if this thing works out."

"Yes so can I have a room."

"Yes. So full name, death, and Sin." Vaggie said.

"Xenix Bloodmoon. Died by decapitation no thanks to a certain over protective friend of my brothers ex. My sin was almost murdering my brothers ex cause I accused her of murdering my brother. Also tried to poison her killed of her boyfriend at the time. Spying and stalking."

"Alright. Here's your room key."

"Hey, Vaggie, have you seen ____ aro...." Scorch said as he walked out form the kitchen and looked at Xenix.

"Scorch! Heyyy budddy miss me?" Xenix said and basically ran toward him.

"No. Now why the hell are your here of all places." Scorch said and avoid Xenix's attempt at a hug.

"Hmmm redemption thing."

"Whatever just don't get in my way on my work." He said and looked over to Vaggie "Vaggie where's _____. I was going to ask her if she wanted lunch. Speak of lunch want some? I made risotto."

"She's out. and no thanks." Vaggie said.

"Welp I guess ima go and check out my room. Byyyye Scorchie." Xenix said.

"Don't call me that you son of a gun." Scorch said and Xenix headed off.

"You know them?" Vaggie asked.

"Yes. I was the one that decapitated him."

"What the actual F*ck. And here I thought you where one of the more reasonable people here."

"Yes and no. Plus is not like I'm do it agian. He's the one that tried to kill ____ in the first place."

"They how come he acts so I don't know that towards you."

"After we died we work things out. That all. ____ might have forgive him but I haven't." Scorch said and left.

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