Chapter 4- Blooming friendship

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Charlie's Pov:

'Wow ____ was really amazing, with her knife skills. This just make me even more curious of who she is.' I thought as I was working on some paper work for the hotel. A few second later there was a knock at the door.

"Charlie Darling! I am coming in!" Alastor said and walked in.

"Hey Al, thanks for running the aren for me." I said.

"No problem my deer! How was things while I was gone!" Alastor asked as he sat next to me.

"Oh Al you wouldn't believe what happened. It
was surprised to say the least!" I said exactly as I want to share with him what happened.

One long explanation after~

".... Yeah I was so surprised I didn't know that _____ knows how to fight like that, granted we met a day ago But still."

"Oh my! That's definitely quiet a story my dear! Now if your excuse me I like to talk to _____!" Alastor said, stood up and left the room without giving me a chance to say bye.

No one's Pov:

Alastor arrived at _____'s room and knocked but the door pushed opened. Reveling _____ at her desk. _____ was at the process of re wrapping her left forearm as it had came loosed while she was cleaning. Alastor stared and saw the scars on her arms. ____ turned to see Alastor as she hear the door open. She turn to face him and other arm behind her back.

"Al You need something?" _____ asked.

Alastor looks up toward her eyes and then closed the door. He walked over and sat in one of the chairs in the room.

"No, I was going to do this what you call 'hanging out' as people in your century say! With you my dear! I knock and your door opened." Alastor said.

"Oh, so you saw them?" ____ said as she looked way from Alastor.

"Why I have the slightest idea of what your talking about."

"My arm."

"Ah yes that indeed I saw! I don't get why you want to hide it my dear."

"...because is one thing I don't want people to worry about, me." ____ said, "I don't want to be a burden on people, so Alastor can you keep this between just you and me?"

"Hmm I suppose! In one condition!"

"And that would be what?"

"You Allow me to 'hang out' with you! And let me get to know you! I am ever intrigued by you my dear!" Alastor said.

"Alright but no deals and stuff okay?"

"Hmm Fair enough!"

"So you want to watch a movie or something?" ____ said and finish wrapping her arm.

"That would be Absolutely fine my dear!  What picture show will we be watching?"

"How about Jigsaw it's a horror move with a bunch of gore and a twisted killer." 

"Sounds good."

They watch the movie and had dinner with the others. Later on they continued to talk to each other and learn about each other's hobby's and other. As much as Alastor hate to admitted it but he absolutely loved the time he spent with ____.

Girl Bound in Hell (AlastorXFemale Reader)Where stories live. Discover now