Chapter 6- Butler and a Daughter

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Another few days gone by, ______ and Alastor seemed to be closers. As you would often find them working together.

"Alright everyone! My dad's butler is coming today. So I need everyone to be at there best!" Charlie said to everyone.

"Hm? Why the F*ck would a f*ckin butler come to this sh*t place?" Husk said as he drinks his cheap booze.

"Yeah babe why is that?" Angel asked curiously.

"To check on me. He said he would have done it himself but he had something worse to do, so there's still a chance at that." Charlie said.

"Well either way it's going to interesting." ____ said as she finished her food.

After a few hours, Everyone got the place ready as it can be and waited for the arrive of the butler. The butler arrived at a little past noon. He was a fox demon, with electric blue hair, (your eye color) eyes, a light peach skin color, Snow White ears and tail. As soon as they arrive that immediately glance at _____ and looked at Charlie.

 As soon as they arrive that immediately glance at _____ and looked at Charlie

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(This is what Blitz was wearing but a deep blue instead of black)

"It's a pleasure to see you, young mistress!" The butler said," I have come per your father's request to see if your doing well."

"Everyone meet Blitz! He's my dad's head butler, One of his mostly trusted I guess companions." Charlie said.

"Well hello, it's a pleasure to meet you." ____ said politely and did a slight bow.

"Pleasure is all mine. I'm Blitz, and I hope you all treating the young mistress nicely." He said back.

"Well hello, so is that bod of your for show or what, caused damn you look hot as f*ck to be a butler." Angel said looking up at down Blitz's body as he thought of what kind of package is he loading down in his pants.

"Angel! Don't be rude!" _____ said lightly smacking the spider on the head.

"The f*ck, _____" Angel reply.

"It's quiet alright, I get off hand comets like that more often than you think I would. Now for your question no, I do work out and know how to fight. Or else what kind of a butler would I be?"

"Let me show you around the hotel Blitz." Charlie said happily and walked off along with Blitz

"Hmmm quite strange. I don't think I ever met him before and I had have a few run in with Lucifer before." Alastor said.

"Oh really?" _____ said as Alastor nodded.

"Oh from what I heard Charlie said, he's actually quite new at his job. He only came to hell about 10-15 years ago, and met Lucifer. They made quick friends and Blitz ended up deciding to work for him." Vaggie explained.

An hour or so later, Charlie finished give the tore to Blitz and head back to the main room where Alastor and ____ was talking by the front desk where Vaggie usually is.

"Done with the tour?" ____ said with a smile.

"Yup. Blitz is going to stay the night too." Charlie said.

"Now that that's comes." Blits said and readjust his gloved and looked over to _____ to Charlie's and Alastor's confusion.

"So _____ is it?" Blitz said as he meets ____ gaze.

"Wait you guys know eachother, _____?" Charlie asked confused to how Blitz knows _____ name as she did not introduce them.

"hmmm maybe in life but definitely not in hell" ____ said.

Blitz full on charge at ____ and tackle to the ground and laughed. Charlie panic and rushed over afraid of what Blitz would do to ____ as Alastor watched amused yet upset but his smile never left his face.

"Blitz what the heck are you doing?" Charlie said worried for _____.

Blitz and _____ laughter and _____ pushed Blitz off. They looked at eachother and looked at Charlie.

"Oh nothing at all." Blitz said then looked at ____ "well now how did you end up in hell? I thought I taught you better."

_____ stood up and dusted herself off and said "hmmm your not better, how did you end up here. Last I check you were a freakin Cop."

"So you do know eachother." Charlie said.

"Oh yes. I do apologize for startling you, young mistress. I just got a little to excited to seee _____" Blitz said and got up himself.

"Wait wait wait. Then why didn't you do that form the beginning?" Charlie said.

But before Blitz can answer _____ answer first "A good (last name) will never let our relationship hinder our work, friends or family. Wither that work consist of talking or killing them, we will do what our boss says. That's the loyalty of a (last name."

"I couldn't say it better myself." Blitz said "I have a tendency to but my personal relationship in the back burner when it come to my job."

"It comes with the territory when your a cop." ____ said "Our family had always live by that rule. But that doesn't explain why your here, dad."

"Ohhhh that, lets just say a few people where hurt badly."

"point taken."

"Wait? DAD?!  SO YOU TWO ARE FAMILY And to guys act like it was nothing? After not seeing eachother for like ten years" Charlie said surprisingly as Scorch walked in.

"IT been like that for as long as I know ____. They are disturbingly good at pretending there not related to anyone they know id they have to." Scorch said "trust me I been there before and it's unsettling how good they are to push aside personal feelings."

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