Chapter 14- Radio and Fire

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____ went to take a shower, and Alastor waited. When ____ was full changed she came out and saw Alastor waiting sitting on the bed.
She walked over and hugged him.

"Dear, can you tell me what happen?" Alastor said softly as he wrapped his arms around her.

She nuzzled her head into Alastor's neck and shook her head. She soon fell asleep on Alastor, as she was exhausted from all the crying she had done. Alastor set her on the bed and told one of the shadow demons to keep an eye on her while he figures out what happened.

He left the room and went back to the lobby where most everyone was. Alastor walked in while Angel was saying something. Vaggie was on the couch with Charlie, Scorch was standing across form Angel.

"Alright she did say something." Angel said.

"Well what did she say?" Charlie asked.

"One word. Den gin I think?" Angel said.

"You mean Denji?" Scorch said."

"Yeah that's the wo-" Angel was about to finish when Blue flames flared up by Scorch's body.

"Sorry. But that explains a lot... no wonder she was shaken up." Scorch said.

"Scorch tell me everything." Alastor said In a errie tone.

" Well he's a rapist. He tried to had s*x with ____ when we were alive without consent. Now he was technically _____ fiancé say the time but he was Arrested. Thankful one of our popo friends was there to stop him. But ____ was traumatizes after that, she wouldn't even talk to any men for months including me. Eventually she was fine but still. I wanted to beat the sh*t out of him after what my friend told me And Damn I'm going to fine that F*cker and burn him to second hell." Scorch said and left the hotel to fine Denji.

"Scorch I'm going to join you I. This little hunt." Alastor said and followed.

They walked together to find Denji. Demons coward away or moved out of the two demons away due to one very pissed off Scorch, and one Very pissed off radio demon. Both emitted a Dangerous vibe and no one wanted to mess with them.

"Scorch, would you have an idea of where to started." Alastor asked as they walked to search for Denji.

"No. Best best is to interrogate locals around that area and seee if anyone saw him." Scorch said.

"So Scorch you and ____ are close." Alastor said with a slight hint of jealousy.

"Yes we been friends since we where children. We even died together. I see ____ as a sister and I know she seee me as a brother. We basically trust eachother with out lives. Alastor I know you and ____ is dated so if you dare hurt her I will hurt you. Even if you're the all powerful radio demon. no one hurts ____ with out getting a knuckle sandwich from me." Scorch said.

"Yes, yes now shall we get back to looking for a fool?" Alastor said.

With that they ended their conversation and continued looked for Denji. After a two hours or so they located him to a bar where Denji consantlu visits.

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