Chapter 8-Deer cuddles

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After Blitz lefts _____ and everyone else went back to there normal work load. Once the day came to and end _____ head back to her room. She took a shower and did some (indoor activity) it was then she heard a knock. When she opened it it was Alastor standing their with his infamous smile looking down and _____.

"Hey Al something I can get you?" _____ asked as she look up at him with her (eye color) eyes.

"No! You seee I came to enjoy a picture show with you like last time! I enjoy myself last time so I came to ask if you want to enjoy a picture show with me agian!" Alastor said.

"Sure, come in. We can sit on the bed and watch a movie. You have anything in mind?" ____ said as she moved aside to let Alastor in.

Alastor walked in as he said "No not at all. I was hoping you would know a good 'movie' for use to watch!"

_____ thought about it for a few minutes. Alastor put his coat on ____'s chair and his microphone down leaning against her Desk.

"Hmmmm any preference's like comedy, romance, drama, horror or other?" ____ asked as she sat on her bed as she was already in her pjs.

"Hm no not really."

"So how about Scream. It had murder." ____ said.

"Sounds lovely! Hmm I'm not really dressed for the occasion now am I?" Alastor said as he looked at his suspenders and clothing.

"Sounds lovely! Hmm I'm not really dressed for the occasion now am I?" Alastor said as he looked at his suspenders and clothing

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_____ said "Al you look fine. Come and sit with me and enjoy the movie with me." Then giggles a bit.

"Hmm Oh I know!" Alastor said completely ingnoring _____.

With a snap of his fingers had had changed into long sleeved shirt with a deers on it and red sweat pants.

"I believe this would do my darling? Charlie had given it to me saying it's comfortable to where to sleep." Alastor said.

_____ was silent as her mind only thought of one thing 'GOD DAMN YOU RADIO DEMON WHY ARE YOU SO FREAKING CUTE.' After a few second _____ said "you look Kidnice. I mean look hoce? I mean nice! I MEAN you looks nice. Darn I can't English properly today."

Alastor laughed and went to sit next to ____. They started the movie and watched as they both was laying on the bed watch the movie. Half-way threw _____ gave in to sleepiness and fell asleep while Alastor was focus on the movie. About twenty minutes later, Alastor felt arms warp around him, it was then that he realized ____ was asleep on him. This brought him a bit of a comfort, for some reason. Alastor had never felt like this towards any one and enjoyed having _____ around him. He couldn't understand why he felt this way but it felt right and he wanted to protect and care for her for as long as he is with her. Alastor's smile softens and Alastor soon fall asleep with his arms around _____.

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