Chapter 15- Comfort

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Once they were at the bar low and behold Denji was there drinking with his friends. Scorch and Alastor decided to see how things roll out and ordered something light.

"Hey Denji what's with the chick earlier you seems a bit on edged earlier." Friends 1(F1) said.

"Nah, she was my fiancé when I was alive. She was a total pathetic girl tho. Always listening to the elders like they where gods or something."

"Bro, she was hoot tho. She had a hot bod and everything. Damn just seeing like that when you ripped off her Cloths, Geez that turned me on a bit." F2 (friend 2)said.

"Yeah that's the only good thing about her. She had a ——" Denji said but was punched in the face making him face first on the ground.

"Shut your mouth." Was all Scorch said and punched Denji again.

"WHAT THE F*CK you don't know who your messing with." F1 said as he felt a tap to his shoulder and turn around.

"I believe what you mean my kind sir was, You and your fello friend other ther and the one of the group man YOU don't know who your messing with." Alastor said.

"Sh*t thats the Radio demon!!" F2 said and turned around about to run.

"Now gentlemen, we have business with you." Alastor said and pulled scorch off of Denji then summoned three shadow tentacles to impale each of them.

They where then proceeded by being burned by scorched flames.

"Touch my dearest _____ again and you will feeel pain like no other." Alastor said as the weren't dead yet.

"Do anything to _____ I'll make you wish you weren't born." Scorch said as the same time.

Once they where burned and welll cooked Alastor throw them out on the streets and they both head back to the hotel to make sure _____ was completely okay. When Alastor and Scorch went back to the hotel _____ was still asleep. Alastor stayed by ____'s bed side while Scorch decide to make something to eat for dinner.

Few hours later, Scorch made dinner for everyone and took Alastor's and ____'s dinner to ____'s room. Scorch saw that ____ was now awake and in Alastor arms.

"Sorry to ruin the mood and everything but dinner is served. Also I'm glad your awake ____" Scorch said and handed them
There dinner of risotto.

"Thank you...." _____ said quietly.

"Yes! Thank you my good sir!" Alastor said, and then Scorch left.

"Allie, I'm sorry if I caused any trouble." _____ said before she move away from Alastor a bit and started eating.

"Dear, don't be. It's not your fault. And I love you so you were no trouble at all."

"But still I'm not normally like this.... I'm sorry Al I didn't mean to cause trouble it just when I saw him it just brought back bad memories." ____ said as she buried her face in Alastor's collarbone.

"Darling," Alastor said and lifted up ____'s face "your never a. Burden."

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