Chapter 3- Unexpected.

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"Well she's a singer at (bar name), and she have a great sing voice as you guys could tell." Angel said Nonchalantly.

"Do you know her death? Or why she here in hell she seems like a nice person," Charlie said curiously.

"Well she said she was shot to death, as for her sin, all she ever told me was 'if I were to tell you, you be ruining with your tail between you legs.' So I imagine is probably something bad." Angel said as he chugged his alcoholic drink.

"Well that's interesting." Charlie said.

The next day ____, came back to the hotel with her stuff along with Scorch. ____ introduces them and Charlie gave time two keys one for ____ and one for Scorch. After they where settled in Alastor gave ___ a tour of the hotel, while Angel flirted with Scorch who did mind but wasn't really into the situation.

"My dear _____, I am quite curiously why do you have bandages on your arm?" Alastor asked as they walked to the bar to get something to drink.

"Oh it's nothing to worry about Al. Also thank you for the tour. Mr. deer" ____ said jokingly.

"Why it was my pleasure!" Alastor said with his iconic smile.

"So what brought you here to this fine establishment? From what I heard Vaggie said yesterday you don't seem like one to believe in redemption."

"Oh yes the not existent humanity! It's utter nonsense! However I want to watch the scum of the world struggle to climb up the hill of betterment, only to repeat my trip and tumble down to the fiery pits of failure."

"Well that does sound very entertaining! When you put it that way we're not so different Al. We both enjoyed others suffering!" ____ said laughing.

"Well my dear, I feel like we will get along just fine!" Alastor said as they arrived at the bar.

"Ah Husker my friend! Care to serve us a drink?" Alastor said.

"whatever and don't call me Husker." Husk the cat said.

"(acholic drink) please." ___ said.

Husk made them their drink and gave it to ____ and Alastor. After finishing it ____ went to Charlie ask her what she need help on and began working. Alastor left the hotel to do something that Charlie has asked him to. As ____ was cleaning the lobby a bunch of demons burst into the hotel.

"Hello gentlemen, here to go on the road to redemption? Oh and if you are you wolf need t go to the front desk" ____ said smiling and look over to the front desk where Vaggie was.

"PFF yeah right. listen here b*tch I and hear to F*cking ruin this place. Hell doesn't need a place like this." One of them said who _____ presume is the leader.

"oh really. Where only here for the poor unfortunately souls who want to be redeemed to if you're not here for that. I may so kindly ask you to leave." ___ said as Vaggie watch im case ____ need help.

"You B*tch, get out of my way or I'll kill you." The leader said trying to sound intimating.

"vanlization is a sin so, please do not." ____ said as Charlie walk in.

"I have enough of you!" he said and pulled out a gun.

_____ smiled and looked up at him directly in his eyes and said "I dare you, as soon as you fire that gun I'll make you regret ever crossing my line. I warned you.

The leader smirked as Charlie panic not knowing what do do. Leader fires the gun there was a loud sound of a gun shot but nothing happen. _____ pulled out a pocket knife and with one swift move ____ was behind them and they where left only underwear.

_____ turned around and said "Hmm next time it won't just be your cloths. So either you get a room to be redeemed or you leave."

"You b*tch how the hell of you do that." The leader said as they all look at her embarrassed.

Vaggie and Charlie stood there in shock of what happen with in a few second.

"So are you leaving or do you want to stay and get reddened sir? We have free rent so if you want to be redeemed this is the place. Also is that all you can say? You know I bet call that so many times that I don't even care about that anymore so come up with better insults, idiots." ____ said.

They didn't say anything and ____ waited for their answer. They can sense the blood lust from _____, the cold stare of her eyes never leaving them as she waited fro there answer. As much as there leader didn't want to admitted they know that can't win against her. The leader turned around and said "...Come on you f*ckers let's go. It's not fun If they don't scream for help." And left in shame.

"Crap this is a mess. And I just clean it too." ____ said as the looks to the floor to see the shredded cloths on the floor.

"How? WHAT? And HUH?" Charlie shouted in surprise.

"What? They weren't here to be redeemed so I told them off? Is that wrong?" ____ asked.

"No... but couldn't you do it a bit... umm nicer?"

"Well they did started it but I suppose I can next time."

"What the f*ck did you learn that from?" Vaggie asked.

"Hmm? Oh that it's nothing. Just skills I got when I was alive." ____ said as she began to clean up the floor.

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