Chapter 16: Date between 2 murderers

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No ones pov:

Word spread quickly of ____'s and Alastor's relationship. Needless to say ____ wasn't happy with the publicity of being the girlfriend of the Radio demon but handled it just fine; seeing that she was used to publicity as she was a singer. As for the hotel the client number was small but still a few was willing to give redemption a try.

After a long day of work _____ went to her room and slept in the thought. As she was deep in thought heard a knock on the door. She sighed and got up to open the door; standing be for her was Alastor.

"Hey Allie what's up?" ____ said.

"Well I spoke to Charlie earlier today. She's willing to give us a day off from work. If you wish we can go out." Alastor said as ____ let him in to her room.

"Ohhh that sounds funn!" _____ said and closed the door behind him.

"Well I'm glad your willing to entertain me with the idea, my darling."

"Awww cute how can I say no to that smile."

Alastor laughed and said "I suppose not."

"You spending the night here or no?" _____ said as the often go to each other room to sleep together(normal sleeping).


Time skip—————-

Next morning they both woke up got ready and went out. Alastor decided to taking _____ shopping. As _____ roamed the mall many were hovering them looks as they were either afraid or talking mindless gossips of _____. Saying how much of a sl*t she is, and many similar to that.

"Ugh look at her, ugly and fat. Bets she's a sl*t"
"Yeah she probably a bitch too"
"She's probably just using the radio demon anyways."

_____ didn't seemed to be bother by it but Alastor was most certainly is. Alastor held his anger towards those as he didn't know want to ruin there date dealing with gossiping who-lagoons. Eventually ____ settle in a shop for them both to look at items for. While Alastor insisted to pay for it ____ said no as she didn't want to pampered.

"My dear. Let me pay." Alastor said.

"No no it's fine I can pay. I don't want you spend money on me" ____ said.

"Dear, you deserve to be a little pampered. After all that's what a true gentleman should do for his lady."

"Still, I fell bad making you spend money on me." ____ said shyly look down at her feet.

Alastor laughter and made _____ look him in the eye and said "My Darling I choose to spend my money on you so please let me pay okay?"

"If you insist. You win." _____ said blushing.

Alastor smiles and bought the stuff ____ choose. To end the day they when to a small cottage core themed restaurant.

 To end the day they when to a small cottage core themed restaurant

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"So how didn't you enjoy the date, My Dear." Alastor asked as they waited for there food to arrive.

"It was lovely truly. Thank you, I really enjoyed the day, even with mindless pricks who seem to can't get it in the head an ounce of respect." ____ said with slight bitterness of the last part.

"I'm glad. And does it really bother you about those demons. Cus if they are I can't take care of them."

______ laughed as Alastor was mesmerized but her beautiful laughter. ____ replied "no that's not necessary. Some People will be pricks everywhere you go. It a matter of hiding it. And everyone seem to forget that I have ears and cat hear it. Or maybe they just want me to hear it so that can't see a sad face on my face" as she played with her drinking straw "but some people really irritates me when they don't know their place. Not that I care of what they think of me. I'm used to it. But I do demand a bit of respect. Forgive me for sound like an old lady but most men these days are mostly uncivilized beasts. And many women likes to be snakes. And frankly I hate that. I enjoy the simpler ways."

Alastor didn't want to enterupTer her as he was a bit fascinated with was she was saying.

"Relationship are bound to end. Most people from my time can't seem to enjoy the simple happiness of love just one. People go behind people's backs to cheat. Using friends as tools to gain power. Honestly most fail at being a basic nice human being. But at the same time there are good people. It those who do good that brings prosperity to a community. Gentlemen such at your self is hard to come by Al." ____ sighed and continued "Honestly people these days just can't enjoy the simple life. Always getting caught of with this, that or hatred for each other. World of bad people."

"I'm flattered you think that I'm one of a kind my dear." Alastor said fully engaged in the conversation.

"But, without those bad people." _____ smirked as a dangerous ora radiated from her "I won't have my fun see people suffer."

"Indeed." Alastor said as the waiter brought them their Food.

"Welp I'm sorry for rambling. Ooo food here let's eat." ____ said as if she just did a 180 and completely change of serious to goofy with in a second and the air lighted back once again.

Alastor laughed and they started eating.

"What where you laugh about?" ____ said.

"Well my dear I found it every enjoyable to seee you more sadistic side. Even more entertain when you can't switch between sweet and deadly as quick as I can Kill a person."

_____ laughed and said "is that a challenge?"

"No." Alastor Said as he's everlasting smile grew wider.

After dinner they went back home to enjoy a night of cuddles and movies in ____'s room.

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