Chapter 11- Shopping & Swimming

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As Alastor was watching ____ work he zoned out a bit as he was thing about the time _____ was here. He never really felt anything like his even when he was alive.  Whenever is was around ____ he could help but enjoy her company. He loved hearing her voice, look at her beautiful face. Then a thought dawn on him. He had fallen for that sweet yet cool demon that is ______. He blushed at the thought but shook it off quickly. He wondered what if he did ask _____ to court with him would _____ even accept him?

Next morning, Charlie wanted to take tHe stuff to a beach, dispite the dangers of hell's sea. However some of them didn't have swim suits. So Charlie and the rest went to get swim suits and plan out the trip. So everyone went to the mall.

When everyone arrived most of us spilt apart. Husk and Niffy walked off on their own. Angel Dust went to flirt. Charlie and Vaggie went to their own to find stuff. Leaving Alastor and ____ alone together.

"So Alastor where do we start?" _____ said.

"I don't really know. I never been shopping for such thing before." Alastor replied.

"Seriously? Have you been to the beach before?"

"Well yes, but I never actually said went to the ocean to swim."

"Well how about we started with your swimsuit first and then we can look for mine. After we are done we can look around? Also what style of swimsuit would you prefer?"

"Sounds like a Plan. I'd prefer something from my time my dear"

After planing things out they went to a swimwear shop in hell. There were a few look first was fearing Alastor Cuz he the Radio demon and second whispers of why the radio demon is In a shop like that. ____ looked around as  Alastor watched as he wasn't much help in not knowing want he was look for.

"Oooo Al try this on!" _____ said and give him a swimsuit the. Pushed him towards the fitting room.

_____ stayed near the fitting room but kept loom around.

"Umm my dear." Alastor said and poked his head out of the fitting room.

"Yes?"____ replied.

"I don't think I like this it's a bet revealing. It's just shorts."

"Hmm alright try this one!" _____ said and handed him another swimsuit.

Alastor took it and went back in the fitting room. After trying it out he called ____ and walked out.

"So do you like it?" ____ asked.

"Yes." Alastor said.

"Alright then go change back. I'm try the one I pick out."

"Alright so are you going to show me what you picked after you get dress in it."

"No. Ima leave it to your imagination." ____ said and walked into the other fitting room.

After a day of shopping everyone got what they need and gather back together and left. The next day they went  to the beach.

 The next day they went  to the beach

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(Alastor's swimsuit)

"Damn it I was excited to seee Abbbs ugggh. But you still look damn f*cking hot." Angel said to Alastor.

"Well I perfer something less revealing unlike you." Alastor said to Angel who was wearing a bikini.

" Alastor said to Angel who was wearing a bikini

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"What's all the fuss about." ____ said as she was over to them in her swimsuit from the bathroom.

"Damn toots you look hot." Angel said.

"Why thank you." _____ said pleased.

"I was just say that I wanted to Al F*cking Abs but noo he had to where a swimsuit that's full body coverage."

"Well I think it looks nice on him. And it's his choice. Although I did give him swim-trunks to try he didn't seem to like the idea." ____ said as she grabbed a bottle of sunscreen(idk of hell had a sun that can possible burn you or not so just go with it.) and stared to cover herself with the stuff.

"Did you see his abs." Angel asked.

"No. Why would I? He was in the changing room."

"Girl you miss out on seeeing him with Abbbs! COOME ON ARENT YOU A BIT curious? What's he looks like with shirtless."

"No I seen people enough people without a shirt before. And I personally don't care what Al wears it's his choice." ____ said as scorch snickered.

"_____ by people you mean your brothers running around like toddlers on weeed? Or just drunk friends." Scorch said looked way while trying not to laugh at the memory.

"Both." _____ said, "I'm just going to go surf and pretend this conversation didn't happen."

With that _____ went surfing, Scorch was sunbathing even tho he doesn't need it as he's a fire elemental, others play volleyball while Alastor watched.

Alastor watch _____ as she surfed with grace as Alastor couldn't help but be drawn to her beauty. As _____ surfed a tentacle came with I the ocean and grabbed _____ leg.

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