Chapter 17- Jealousy?

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No one's pov:

Next day once everyone was dressed they went to have breakfast that was prepared but Scorch.

"Tea or coffee." Scorch asked ____.

"Coffee" _____ said.

Scroch head to the kitchen and grabbed some coffee and Advil.

"Here you go. And Advil." Scorch said.

"How you know." _____ said.

"Please the only time you ask for coffee is either your up doing something and had no sleep. Or you have a headache."

"True. Thanks." ____ said and drank her coffee.

"Sooo how your guy's date." Charlie asked.

"It was fine." ____ said and Alastor nodded.

"Let me guess gossip. And idiots. And probably irritated you enough to give you a headache but you still had fun." Scorch said which ____ almost chocked on her food.

"Scorch where you stalking us." Alastor asked.

"Oh no I can Tell you that much. He was playing poker with husk all day. When there where not working." Charlie said.

"Yeah it was F*cking boring sence we cant bet sh*t away." Husk said.

"Well to answer that no. I knew ____ long enough to know when she irritated. It was just a hunch."

"A scary accurate hunch. I seriously think your stalking me. It scary." ____ said as scorch laughed.

"I can say the same for you to (nickname)."

"Oh hush you." ____ said as Scorch smirked.

"Yooo Alastor would you like to hear some story's when me and ____ was young I got a toned. Ooo to when she's drunk." Scorch said.

"Sure that's sounds extremely fascinating." Alastor said.

"So when we wher-" Scorch was interrupted by a throwing knife flying past his face. And hit the wall behind him.

"Not another word out of you. And stop embarrassing me." _____ said blushing.

Scorch laughed and said "okay okay you win. But did you have use a knife. It's dangerous you know."

"I hate you."

"I hate you too." Scorch said and left with his empty plate.

"Wow you two must be close."

"Close my butt. That lovable jerk loves teasing me and making me embarrassed."

"_____ THATS WHAT BEST FRIENDS ARE FOR!" Scorch said in the other room.

"F YOU TOO." ______ yelled back.

After have breakfast ____ head back to her room. She was listening to music on her bed. After a few minutes there was a gentle knock.
She notices and said "Come in."

To no ones surprise it was Alastor. Alastor walked in and _____ took a quick glance sat Alastor and look back at the ceiling. A few second later Alastor walk up to ____ and jumped on top of ____. His arms was on both side of her head, ____ blushed and took off her headphones.

"Umm.... i-is there some-something you need?" ____ said.

"No." Alastor said.

"Umm can you get off." _____ blushed looking away.

"Hmmm no. You cute when your flustered."

"Al...." ____ said shyly looking away.

"I have a question my dear." Alastor said making ____ look at him.


"What is that feeling that I get when I see with with Scorch."

"Uhh can you elaborate."

"Like that feeling if dislike toward him when you two hang out and seemingly to close for my comfort."

_____ laughed and said "are you jealous, deer."

"Hmm? I guess it been quiet a while but I'm not very attached to feelings specially when it come to romance. So what is this jealous thing you speak of."

"First get off of me. Then I'll tell you." _____ said and Alastor nodded.

Alastor got off of ______ and lied next to her "so tell me."

"Well when you're jealous or as I call jelly. You feel uneasy and a pain in your heart. Hmmm and example if Scorch were to flirt with me in front of you on purpose as if he was trying to get me to be his girlfriend. Which he would never do. But if does what would you feel and do?"

"Hmm I would have the desire to kill him I suppose. A feeling of sad and angry."

"Yup there you go that the feeling of jealousy."

"My dear, do you feel this jealousy?"

"Well I have before with my ex's. I have nothing to worry about besides Angel dust."

"Thank you my dear for explaining."

"No problem. Let me guess you don't get those feelings often."

"No, I guess I never thought about it. I never really had any women I fancy until
I met you. So these feelings that comes with it is completely new."

"Alright. If you need anything else you can ask me if you wish."

"Well I must be going back to my duties! I don't want Charlie to get worried now do we?"

____ giggled and nodded. Alastor got up of ____'s bed and gave ____ a KISS on the forehead and left.

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