Chapter 7- Food

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After the reunion of the father and daughter, they talked a bit and laughed at how they ended up working for the ruler of hell and the princess of hell. After that ____ decide to prepare dinner. At first Charlie wasn't sure if ____ knows how to cook but allowed it. Alastor also went to kitchen to watch _____ do her thing and occasionally help if ____ need.

"My dear I still don't see this a full meal. You cut up fish and put it on rice?" Alastor said.

"Yes, it's sushi. You can basically put anything in a sushi roll. There are many kind of sushi this is just more traditional with just the raw tuna and rice. You can dip it in soy sauce or wasabi." ____ said.

After finishing with the tuna such And egg sushi she work on sushi rolls.

"You see al, you but the seaweed on a bamboo Mat, spared the rice evenly, the put the ingredients you want usually a fish or veggies. For me I like it with spam and eggs." _____ said as Alastor watch her do the steps.

"Then you, gently press and rolll and ther you have it a sushie roll. Then you cut the roll into bite size pieces!" ____ said.

"Hmmm can you but deer meat too?" Alastor said.

"Yes but I'm not sure if that will taste good. Maybe I can make some another time."

After dinner was prepared ____ set up the table and called for everyone to eat.

"They f*ck is this?" Husk said staring at the sushi that ____ made.

"It's sushi." Alastor said.

"And the world is that?" Angel said as he poke the food with his fingers.

"It's a traditional Japanese meal usually made with raw fish. You can make rolls and many other kinds too." Blitz said.

"Itatamakimas!" Both ____ and Blitz said in unison then clap their hand together.

A few moments after they started to eat. The others looked at both of them weirdly and dug in. Most of them like a sushi rolls mush better that the raw tuna sushi. Over all they enjoy the meal. Later on, Blitz went to one of the rooms to sleep. Vaggie and _____ cleaned up the table and washed the dishes.

"So _____, what does uhhh whatever you said befor you eat mean?" Vaggie said as she was washing the dishes.

"Oh Itatamakimas means 'let's eat' in Japanese. I normally don't say that, but since dad is here why not." _____explained as she dried the dishes.

"So your Japanese?"

"Yes, quarter Japanese, Chinese, Korean, and European. My dad Blitz is half Japanese and Chinese. My mother was European and Korean . I look more like my dad that my mom tho."

"I seee."

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