Chapter 20- Loving couple (The end)

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No one's pov:

After _____ took Alastor back to his room and made sure he was okay, she went to the kitchen where Scorch and Charlie was.

"Umm so what was that dome thing." Charlie asked.

"Yeah one of my powers going haywire." ____ said as she was cooking something for Alastor.

"Well I'm glad your okay. And Vox is taken care of." Scorch said.

"Yeah he better stay dead ... well double dead. I stabbed him like a hundred times and not to mention injuries on him from Alastor."_____ said and the mumbled "no body hurt my man with out being slaughtered like my next dinner."

"Hey tone down the level of violence a little." Scorch said.

"Fine, I'll beat them and then torture them."

"That's not any better."

"No! No torturing and no killing." Charlie said.

"We know." _____ and Scorch said.

"____, don't... blame yourself for this okay? I know your the type to do so. So don't even think about it." Scorch said.

"I was not!" _____ said even tho she knew it was true.

She blame herself not being strong enough to keep Alastor form hurting. Deep down ____ knew Scorch knew her the best but still she didn't want to say it out loud.

"_____... You know you can't lie to me." Scorch said with a smug face.

"Oh shut it you"

"You guys seem really close." Charlie said.

"Well yeah. We been friends since forever." ____ said as she was chopping some veggies.

"Oh really? That's really cool!!" Charlie said.


A few minutes later _____ finished cooking and went to Alastor's room. She knocked on the door.

"You can come in." Alastor said as the door opens by itself.

"Hey soo how are you feeling?" _____ said as she set the tray of food on a table.

"Hey soo how are you feeling?" _____ said as she set the tray of food on a table

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"Better. Thank you for worrying Darling~" Alastor said and look over to the food "oh my."

"Hm? Do you not like curry? I can get you something else to eat if you like." _____ asked.

"No no dear! It's not that

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"No no dear! It's not that. It's absolutely adorable. You didn't need to spend so much time on it." Alastor said as his smile grew wider.

"Well enjoy it while it's hot!" _____ said.

After enjoy his meal Alastor and ____ talked awhile.

"Hey Allie. What are we?" _____ ask.

"Well that's quite a silly question. My dear we are demons of hell." Alastor said.

"No not that. Obviously where demons! But what do you think of me?" _____ said.

"Well, dear there's a lot I can say about you. Your a wonderful person for one, you seem to always take care of others. A very motherly type of person. And yet you never seem to not amuse me with you new ideas. Someone that made this cold heart killer feel again. I thought I'll never be able to love a women as much as I like my mother but you change that. Getting to know you this past few months. Silly little things we do, little habits people don't notice. It's truly been a dream my darling." Alastor said as he look dirty in _____ eyed as he used he hand to cup one of ____ cheeks.

"You are truly one of a kind my dear. And I think I love you a lot." Alastor finished and kissed her on the forehead.

____ giggles and blushed "and I love you too." And booped his nose.

"Welll hopefully everything can go back to normal now. Also Angel better be great full as Helll." _____ said.

Alastor laughed and said "indeed my dear."

From then everything went back to normal and continued working at the hotel. As for what's next? That will be a story for another time. The end.

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