Chapter 19- safe and sound

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____ dropped her weapons and ran to Alastor.

"Come on Alastor please wake up.." _____ said as she lead Alastor's head into her lap.

"My dear..." Alastor said open his eyes a bit.

"Alastor please stay with me..." _____ said as tears fall down as she looks at Alastor "please I need you.."

"My dear

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"My dear..." Alastor said and placed his hand on her cheek "won't you... smile ... for me?"

"I'm smiling.... please stay with me okay." _____ said with a smile as she tried to heal him with her magic.

"... my love..." Alastor said and sat up a bit.

Alastor stared into her eye and gave her a kiss on the lips "I love you my dear..."

After a few second that Alastor went limp.

"Alastor no... please." _____ said crying.

Then she realized he only passed out. She faces a sigh of relief as she can see he was still breathing

"Now how do we get out of this place." _____ said "wait no. I shouldn't worry about that right now! I need to wrap his wounds."

____ panicked a bit and grabbed a roll of bandages form her pouch and started to wrap Alastor up.

Meanwhile, outside of the doom. Charlie and Angel were trying to get the dome to break.

"What the F*ck is this thing anyways." Angel said kicking it.

"Well whatever it is ______ and Alastor is in there." Vaggie said.

"Well no sh*t." Angel said.

"Welp we just have to hope for the best." Scorch said.

Valentino was already awake by this time and excited a swift retreat. The 666 new hit back to the seen to report on the 'mysterious dome' and how Vox, Alastor and _____ was gone form the sight wondering if there inside.

A few hours later, inside the dome, ______ waited for Alastor to wake up. He was laid on to her lap. _______ waited patiently as she gently petted his soft fluffy hair.

Alastor eyes fluttered open to see _____ staring back at him, "My dear?"

"Hey Al, how are you feeling." _____ said relieved he was okay.

"Like I was just about to die again. But i seem to be fine but sore." Alastor said.

"That's good. I was worried."

"Where's vox?!" Alastor said as he remembered the last thing was fighting him and next being on your lap.

"That tv screen fit turned into scraps." _____ said looking over to Vox's dead body.

Alastor lightly chuckled and said "_____ you really are something you know that? Always surprising me with new feelings and things I learn about you."

_____ blushes "oh Allie." And kissed him on the forehead.

"What a lovely sky and beautiful sea, but not as beautiful as my darling jewel." Alastor said looking at his surroundings, "it almost reminded me of back when I was living. Which bring one more question, where exactly are we?"

 Which bring one more question, where exactly are we?"

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(Reminder how it looks from the inside)

"Well in hell, I don't exactly know how to take it down. It's like a dome thingy. I don't know what the out side looks like. But the inside is beautiful." _____ explained.

"Hmm. So one of your powers then?"

"Yeah, but not something I know how to control. Also how are you alive. You got stabbed by a angel weapon..."

"Dear stabbing me once ant doing crap to me. I'm a tought deer to crack you know." Alastor said.

"I suppose I should know that after all your the great and powerful Radio Demon~oooo." ___ said and giggled a bit.

Alastor chuckled and purred a bit as he saw very comfortable on _____'s Lap.

"Alastor, by any chance you know how to get this thing down? I mean we been in here for hours I think the others might get worried." ____ asked after a few minutes of silence.

"Hmm.. think of it as a deconstruction puzzle. How did it get activated? What where the conditions? Can you reverse and deconstruction the spell. Like taking a part of a body to see its organs." Alastor said.

"I can give it a try." _____ said, " after week get up.

Alastor got off of her lap, With the help of _____ Alastor stood up and he was still a bit weak from the fight.

"You going to be okay?" _____ asked.

"Yes my dear, it's nothing that a good rest can't fix. And thank you for tending to my injuries my dear."

"Not problem, love."

Then she Tries images and thought of what happened and then she thought about how to remove it. After thing of a way to break the dome she cast a water spell toward the 'sky' of the dome. With in a few second it cracked, then slowly shattered into a falling rain.

"It worked!" _____ said.

The others ran toward _____ and Alastor. Charlie asked a bunch of questions while Angel was cursing his heart out say how much trouble this would cause him. _____ told them what happen to Vox and she said that Alastor need rest. _____ took Alastor back into his hotel room and stay there for the rest of the day making sure Alastor had everything he need.

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